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Improving Skills Across Europe - II
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This is a mobility project for VET learners. The participants will be hosted at a workplace in other countries. This proposal continues the project Improving Skills Across Europe – ISAE, that we are developing in 2015-2016. In this proposal two new organizations join the consortium, the number of participants increase and we adapt the destinations to the student’s demands. The countries where the students will move are: Ireland, Italy and Portugal, as in ISAE project, and Germany, France and Malta.The organizations integrated in this mobility consortium are VET providers, specialized in vocational training for employment, which aims is to promote and extend training to contribute in the development of a knowledge-based economy. We understand education as a factor of development that must respond to the professional expectations of workers and the needs of the labor market.The Spanish Strategy for Entrepreneurship and Youth Employment includes a total of 15 emergency measures affecting training, the improvement of employability, recruitment incentives and the promotion of entrepreneurship and self-employment. These measures are aimed at improving the employability of young people and the integration of young unemployed people in the labour market and at encouraging early school leavers to complete their Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO). The first of these measures is extending training programmes leading to proficiency certificates with the aim to improve employability, skills and career prospects for unemployed young people.The consortium members prioritize in our offer training activities leading to proficiency certificates or proficiency certificate modules. The 49 students who participate in the project are involved in training activities leading to proficiency certificates or proficiency certificate modules. Many of them do not have a degree in the education system. The proficiency certificate provides them formal accreditation of their professional skills to enable them to develop a work activity.The project links the training in our centers with work experience in companies from other European countries. This work experience enables them to acquire or improve key competences for lifelong learning that will increase their employability. Most members of the consortium are part of the FOREM network .The Miguel Escalera Training and Employment Foundation (FOREM) was created in 1990 by the Confederal Executive Committee of CCOO, with the aim to develop a professional structure for the design, management and implementation of training and guidance activities. CCOO is the main trade union in Spain.Since then, accompanying the development of the transfer of responsibility for active employment policies to the Autonomous Communities (regions), FOREM has gradually transformed into a net of foundations with legal personality that, on the one hand, are linked to the different structures of CCOO in their region and , secondly, retain a strong collective entity. When we talk about FOREM we are speaking not of a foundation, but a network of foundations that share goals and objectives and work together to provide workers across the country, both employed and unemployed, quality vocational training and guidance. This year, two new organizations are joined the consortium. They are VET providers with whom we have collaborated frequently in recent years.The consortium is coordinated by Miguel Escalera Training and Employment Foundation, which serves the Confederation of CCOO and its Sectoral Federations and also the activity in the Community of Madrid, Ceuta and Melilla. Also involved the regional foundations of Castilla-La Mancha, Navarra and Valencia. The new members develop their training activities in Castilla y León.Host organizations involved in this mobility project are: Aureka in France, WBS training AG in Germany, Eurocultura, SRL in Italia, European Career Evolution - E.C.E in Ireland, Associação Intercultural Amigos da Mobilidade – A.I.A.M in Portugal and Paragon Europe in Malta.
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