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Improving Professionals' Skills in work based learning
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project IM.PRO.VSK. WBL (Improve Professional Skills Work Based Learning) aims to face training needs and professional upgrading of teacher/tutor in the school and workplace tutor in the enterprise. These two figures work as guide and support for Work Based learning (WBL), an European priority mentioned in several strategic documents and confirmed in Riga Conclusion in June 2015. The project addresses skill needs of company employees and VET teachers in planning, guiding and supporting learning processes based on the job. The strategic partnership was born in three Southern Europe Countries sharing inadequate (or missing) knowledge and experience of collaboration between VET system and enterprises. Indeed dual learning system is not so widespread in these Countries despite the excellent results in terms of employments obtained by Northern europe Countries, where VET system is based on a close cooperation between VET organisations and enperprises.Italian, Romanian and Turkish partners (VET providers and association of enterprises) identified good practice to move in their Countries:- EWT-European Workplace Tutor (DE/11/LLP-LDV/TOI/147433) from Germany;- DTS-Dual Teaching System (2013-1-ES1-LEO05-66184) from Spain.The strategic partnership is made by two partner providers (PP) who will widespread their own good practices and 7 partner users (PU) who will learn WBL good practices. General objective of the project is to promote high quality WBL processes. Specific objectives:1 increased and certified skills of workplace tutor and teacher/tutor in WBL processes2 improved capability to use European models and tools in planning and implementing high quality WBL processes3 increased opportunities to peer-to-peer learning at European level through exchange of WBL good practices. 4 created conditions for a strategy of scalability and repeatability of learning in partner organisations and local VET systems. The project expects a “Lab to transfer of innovation to train teacher/tutors and workplace/tutors”; in that Lab Partner Providers will transfer to Users Providers needed knowledge to realise training programmes addressed to teacher/tutors and workplace tutors in the logic of Dual Learning. Second step of the project is “to create conditions to replicate WBL good practices” through the translation of training contents of the two processes for teacher/tutors and workplace tutors in the logic of Dual Learning and through the agreement for the use of e-learning platforms in order to do part of learning activities provided in the form of short-term mobility. A group of beneficiaries from the association of enterprises will participate to “training pathway for workplace tutors WBL” and a group of beneficiaries from VET providers will participate to “training pathway for teachers/tutors in logic of dual learning”. Participants learning will be evaluated and certified according ECVET system. Final step is the design of a “Methodological Guide to realise training programmes for teacher/tutors and workplace tutors. Partner Providers from one hand can increase skills of their own staff (teachers, contact people with the world of enterprises), from the other hand can learn knowledge and skills in implementing training pathways addressed to two key-players in WBL system: teacher tutor and workplace tutor. The project aims to have positive impacts even on external organisations, above all on those stakeholders involving in WBL processes. In order to do that, the project pays a specific attention to the dissemination of results; a dissemination addressed to an high number of stakeholders who will be aware of halfway and final results of the project. The combined use of several communication tools allows to realise tailored and profitable dissemination activities.

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7 Partners Participants