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Improving Mobility for Better Education Opportunities

This project intends to counter the low mobility of students in border regions of the Vojvodina province and Hungary, as well as to research educational opportunities for students of Hungarian national minority in their native Hungarian language. Activities comprise: research of the demand for mobility in project target groups, establishing a permanent information centre for mobility and mobility process and a final joint conference on mobility. Research of the needs for mobility will be conducted among several groups: students in border regions, professors of the University of Novi Sad and the University of Debrecen and the SME sector in North and West Bačka regions. A bilingual (Serbian/Hungarian) web portal will be created, which will serve as an instrument for announcing calls for exchange, publicising the translated curricula of both educational institutions, announcing visits of lecturers from the partner institutions, publicising basic information on the conference as well as informing the representatives of the SME sector of possible arrangements for students professional practice within their enterprises.
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