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Improving languages skills from kindergarten
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Located near the historical centre of the city, Pla de Girona is a pre-school and primary school which initiated its educational work in September 1997. The majority of the families of students live in the area. However, some of them come from different regions of the world such North Africa, Central America, China or East Europe, and some of them are romani ethnicity. There are two special needs classrooms where children with special needs are addressed. When developing our project, which is aimed at teachers in particular and at the entire educational community in general, the participation of all of them working with critical spirit and intention of improving is absolutely needed. In order to perform this project, a previous analysis has been made. Later, the faculty, the members of our parent’s association and the School Board have taken part in a participation process. In fact, the participation of each of us is one of the main objectives of our project, since we strongly believe that it is the best way to manage and organize our school. It is our aim to be a quality inclusive school committed to a society framed in democratic and European values. Objectives The general objectives of our school are: to improve the academic results, to enhance the social cohesion, to achieve excellence, to implement new strategies and to become a totally inclusive school in all areas. As far as the school is concerned, the specific objectives of the project are: to improve the teacher’’s practice, to improve the linguistic competence and the results in English language and to implement CLIL. Regarding the teachers, the main objectives are: to enhance their linguistic competence, to implement new methodologies and teaching strategies and to help them to achieve a better understanding and ability to face diversity. The new school management team needs to be able to innovate in management and organization areas. Participants profile There are fifteen teachers interested in participating in job shadowing and teacher training activities .All of them have many years of teaching experience . Furthermore, they were involved in former Comenius projects and they collaborated with two Comenius assistantship as well. Four of them are English language teachers and the rest have a good English level. Activities The scheduled activities for the project are: Five teachers will perform a training course in order to improve their linguistic and methodological competences and ten teachers will do job shadowing in Kindergarten, CLIL and school management. Mehodology It has been created an Erasmus+ commission formed by fifteen teachers who contribute with their knowledge of the English language as well as of pre-primary and primary curricular subjects. This commission is intended to organise the project. In order to transmit the acquired knowledge, the commission will organise seminars for all the teachers of the school. It will also prepare questionnaires in which some observations and the exchange of educational methods, will be reflected. It is expected to make periodic faculty meetings to establish new learning strategies and methodologies. Results More contents and language integrated learning will be introduced. The linguistic project of the school will reflect certain methodological changes provided that they are necessary and viable for the school. The educative process will be innovated. New school management strategies will be applied, provided that they are feasible. Impact To create the feeling of European citizenship, to promote tolerance towards the others, to enhance our student’s academic results, to provide contents and language integrated learning in different subjects and levels. Possible long –term benefits Our school educational project reflects our intention to achieve excellence. It is also our aim to help and facilitate our students to acquire a farsightedness and the feeling of belonging to Europe. To become a fully inclusive school in all the fields. Improve the English language and the methodology of the languages in general. Adquisition of an international dimension. Ability and interest to carry out educational projects working with teachers from other countries. Focus on the european aspect.
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