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Improving Key Competences of Citizens at Risk of Exclusion from the Labour Market
Start date: Nov 1, 2009,

The European society is definitively moving forward a knowledge based economy. This is not only a goal of the Lisbon agenda but a reality confirmed by CEDEFOP in its study on the level of qualifications required for the European workers of the next years (cited in “New Skills for New Jobs” EC Communication, 2008). There is a direct impact of education in reducing the chances of being unemployed (Eurostat LFS, 2007), so employable Low Qualified Adults who are normally excluded from the formal VET system need to improve their competences by informal education channels. In the last years, ICT-based Community Telecentres (TCs) have became a privileged channel across Europe for digital literacy/adult education of disadvantaged target groups (Rissola, 2007 and conclusions of Vienna eInclusion event, 2008), contributing through training and guidance to personal development, active citizenship, social inclusion, and –due to the increasing economic recession- Employability. Because of free of charge, openness, proximity, informal learning and networking opportunities, TCs are now showing the true potential in training.This project proposes to support enhancement of basic Key Competences of Low Qualified Adults in order to improve their Employability, by means of an alternative learning approach (ICT-based, user-centred, interest-oriented). Partners will conduct a research to identify specific needs of end users and to collect already proven learning resources for Employability (from the consortium as well as from previous LLL funded projects), developing a new brand solution to deliver Employability-oriented contents and guidance to users at a risk of exclusion through own TC networks and beyond (civic centres, adult education centres, worker unions, etc.). It will be developed collaboratively, inspired in Constructivism and Web 2.0, and multilingual. Expected short-term impact: 6,000 end users, 150 TCs. Long-term impact: 50,000 users/year, 600 AE Centres (TCs + other)

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