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Improving Education - Improving Life
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Dec 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The strategic partnership is composed of highly complementary body including the applicant and nonprofit organizations from different regions of Europe. The decision to realize the “Improving Education - Improving Life” project was made in cooperation of 4 Partners from Europe: Luxembourg, Poland, Macedonia and Estonia.The previous cooperation and researches conducted by the partners of the project revealed many important things in common in their countries such as insufficient level of education, rising unemployment especially among young people, not enough qualified youth workers especially in field of non-formal education and youth with fewer opportunities, insufficient cooperation of NGOs with local authorities, insufficient number of NGOs working in the field of youth.After several non-formal discussions and mail exchange we realized that all organizations forming the strategic partnership combine the following common aims such as: - promoting young people’s social inclusion, notably through projects tackling the issue of youth unemployment and innovative support- developing and promoting new methodologies and tools uptake in youth work and non-formal learning- developing basic and transversal skills in the field of youth, using innovative and pedagogical approaches and developing appropriate assessment and certification methods based on learning outcomes.According to our needs we have established common objectives of the project such as:- to give opportunities to youth workers organizations to develop a quality European mobility projects to support young people in the realization of mobility projects and to facilitate their professional inclusion;- to reinforce the European cooperation in order to improve capacities of organizations involved in the field of youth education and professional inclusion to support young people in the realization of mobility projects;- to share practices, existing methods and tools in different European countries used to support youth workers in the realization of projects and activities in the field of youth and non-formal education;- to better understand the needs and problems of youth workers and people working in non-formal education;- to create new methodology and tool to train and reinforce the capacities of youth workers in the European mobility projects;- to gain a better understanding of importance of non-formal education and its working methods in combating youth unemployment and social exclusion;- to favor dissemination of the tool and methods created by diffusing results of this project at local, national and international level.In a frame of our strategic partnership we plan to organize transnational meetings of youth workers to exchange practices and to develop a final design tool in the form of publication with selected working methods in the field of non-formal education. Furthermore, we plan to conduct activities in the field of practical educational experience - Study Visit activity. Moreover, the results and experience gained during the implementation of the project will be discussed by on transnational meeting - Final Evaluation Seminar. To ensure the sustainability and dissemination of the project’s results, after finishing the project’s lifetime we will conduct conferences at local / regional level in order to start a dialogue with local authorities and institutions about the need of developing a common strategy to fight the unemployment and low level of education among youth. During the conference, we will take discussion about the possibilities of using non-formal education and its methods in combating youth unemployment in the future.
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3 Partners Participants