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Improving availability of medical information and counselling (MEDINF)
Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Mar 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project aims to increase the availability of medical advice via telephone, internet and other means by using ICT solutions (algorithm-based counselling software and Counselling Centre) in the border areas of Estonia and Russia. In Estonia, new forms of medical counselling via internet and other means will be developed. In Russia, the medical consultation system will be developed and launched, consisting of the following modules: counselling via telephone counselling via internet and other means. In order to achieve these goals, the Project is divided into following Activity Packages: AP 1 Management and Co-ordination – ensuring quality and timely management, implementation and reporting of Project by Partners; AP 2 information and Visibility – increasing awareness about medical consultation opportunities of in border areas of Estonia and Russia; AP 3 Development of New Forms of Medical Counselling – development of conception for modification and development of medical counselling via internet and other means; creating database of Russian-language algorithms ready for use; providing online service programme and linking it with relevant medical institutions; AP 4 Establishing the Counselling Centre and Preparation of Advisors – developing the Call Centre in Russia ready for work; preparing 5 advisors in Estonia and 20 advisors in Russia for work in border areas of Estonia and Russia; AP 5 Piloting of Medical Counselling Services – ensuring that medical consultation service is operating effectively, with necessary modifications To implement the Project, a Project Team will be formed, consisting of Project Co-ordinators (5), Financial Managers (5) and Local Experts (15) of 5 Partners. All project activities are developed and carried out in close cross-border cooperation since it requires very accurate and up-to-date understanding of the needs and requirements of the situation in health care in both countries. By the completion of Project, proposal will be made to Estonian Health Insurance Fund to include the new forms of medical counselling in the list of national medical treatment services. In Russia, it is expected that the free medical advice line via telephone, Internet and other means will be integrated during the Project implementation period in the overall medical treatment service system of the regions. Achievements: Outputs*Analysis of existing forms of medical counselling and conception to identify needs for improvement of existing forms of medical counselling via internet and other means elaborated; *Complete database of counselling algorithms established, and 1 service programme software for calls managing installed, tested, is online and linked with relevant medical institutions; *For Russia ca 1000 algorithms are adapted and tested on test-clients and field experts and the software for using it is functional; In Estonia 1 new conception of personalised medical counselling and 1 internet-based counselling form developed; * 2 Counselling Centres in Russia are equipped; *20 Russian advisors passed the developed 80 hours training course in two modules, 5 Estonian advisors passed a training about new counseling forms; *Total 422 medical consultations in St Petersburg and 970 medical consultations in Pskov made by telephone in Counselling Centres; *Website operating 24h in Estonian and in Russian; *2 information seminars, 1 final conference, 4 TV and radio broadcasts, 6 newspaper articles, 4999 project leaflets published to promote medical counselling services in border citiesResults*Development of Medical Counselling via Internet, telephone and other means; *The use of new forms of Medical Counselling by using ICT solutions; 2 Counselling Centres in Russia established: in Pskov and in Kolpino, St. Petersburg; Existing Counselling Centre ready for work via internet in Estonia; 10 work places in Counselling Centres in Russia established; Increased awareness of local communities about medical consultation opportunities and Counselling Centres in border cities of Russia and Estonia; *People consulted and receive necessary information or guidelines for the medical problems via Internet and other means; *Reduction of the medical expenses and working time at a family doctors and general practitioners level
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  • 90%   299 997,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Estonia-Latvia-Russia ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants