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Improvement of Public Infrastructure of Industrial Areas in Lithuanian – Polish Cross - Border (Industrial Areas)
Start date: Aug 2, 2009, End date: Feb 1, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall objective of the project was to create favourable conditions for business development in Alytus and Suwałki by strengthening business environment, improving competition level and the growth of export potential by improving public infrastructure and information activity – issuing publications, participation in international exhibitions, arrangement of conferences about attractive investment and business conditions in the above mentioned cities. Achievements: Within the project the partners improved public infrastructure in Alytus and Suwałki. Roads were reconstructed as well as sewerage, water supply and rain water collecting systems were built. Both municipalities participated in 2 international exhibitions: "Investfield 2010" in Poznań and "City Real Estate 2009" in Vilnius in order to promote business opportunities in the regions. During all the above mentioned events, the published brochure "Investor's Folder Alytus - Suwałki" was spread.

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  • 85%   2 932 409,56
  • 2007 - 2013 Lithuania - Poland (LT-PL)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants