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Improvement of human capital skills and competencies of culture mediators, adult educators, and athletics professionals in the cross border area, through the development of a Lifelong Museum Learning system (The Lifelong Museum Learning Project)
Start date: Feb 6, 2012, End date: Feb 15, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The objectives of the project are; 1.assess & transfer knowledge regarding common methodologies and best practices implemented in the EU regarding Lifelong Museum Learning (LLML) 2. map training needs of museum educators/cultural mediators/sports professionals in region as related to the needs of adult learners, with specific reference to disadvantaged categories 3. adapt LLML practices in order to meet the needs of the specific target groups of the cross-border region 4.develop relevant support tools utilizing state of the art Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).5.establish a Network of Expertise for the development of a regional LLML model 6.implement a regional LLML model on the selected professional groups (adult LLL educators, sports professionals and culture mediators) with extensive use of ICT7.increase professional opportunities for the human capital that will make use of the LLML system through the proposed matchmaking procedures8. enhance geographical mobility of human capital in the region 9. recognise & assess the appropriate tools to design, develop and carry out educational activities in museums addressed to adults and their individual needs for learning Expected Results: rnin gprogrammes based on museum-cultural heritage of a region, not only offers professional training, but opportunities of enhancing horizontal skills, values, beliefs and attitudes that facilitate career development and labor mobility in labor markets, as well. 3)Presentation of the LLML system in tools and methodologies to allow its use by other museums of differing scope in perpetuity. 4) Further networking of educational and cultural institutions in order to broaden the network and the wider use and exploitation of projects outputs in different occupational categories. 5) The general public, and in particular adults, will be offered a wider and more qualified access to cultural heritage and to museums through educational offers tailored to their expectations and learning styles.
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  • 85%   401 998,40
  • 2007 - 2013 Greece - Bulgaria (EL-BG)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants