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Improvement of English teaching quality and learning methodology
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Aug 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The goal of HAK Grazbachgasse's involvement in this exchange is to improve the professional development of our language skills and language awareness for use in the classroom. During the course we wish to acquire and practice new teaching techniques in tandem with the use of new technologies. It is important to us to inspire young adults to feel confident in the use of language and improve their pronounciation skills; attending this course will enrich our resources to do so. In addition we hope to get new ideas for lesson plans and teaching material and implement these ideas in our teaching. Teachers involved in this project will develop and improve their competence in integrating international aspects of education and culture into daily life at school. We hope to improve our awareness of international communication and execute the knowledge we've gained in projects and teaching methods at our school. In addition we hope to further develop international aspects of school policy and better manage our current international projects. Seven staff memebers wll participate in our exchange : (describe them here) We expect to improve the use of technology in the classroom using internet access and social media as well as ipads. We will improve existing teaching methods in combination with the new material to influence a more positive impact on the teaching quality in our school. We expect our new cultural awareness will benefit the quality of our lessons and motivation of our students to be more open minded. Learning how to better manage international activities with our peers abroad will have a long term effect on our cooperation with other schools. In adition, English language knowledge and its use in the classroom will continue to positively influence the performances of our students.

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