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Improvement of adult education based on innovative approach-UHI Scotland
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Partners Obrtničko učilište, Srednja škola Dugo Selo, Škola za montažu instalacija i metalnih konstrucija i Strukovna škola Vice Vlatkovića Zadar in the project act as a consortium. The host partner was the University of Highlands and Islands in the United Kingdom, Scotland, who successfully implemented blended learning method . The project involved 8 participants in the field of adult education (principals, heads of adult education, IT teachers,teachers and administrative staff- Craft College 4, Strukovna škola Zadar 2, and ŠMMK and Srednja škola Dugo Selo 1). UHI is inernationally recognised for its innovative use of technology to provide access to all levels of education to a widely dispersed population in small and oftern fragile communities, and for its contribution to rural and sustainable development. UHI is active in creative industries, engineering and energy engineering and it is comitted to working with a divers range of employers from multi-national companies to SMEs. The aim of the project was to improve the competencies and skills of the staff in the project related to the development and implementation of educational programs for adults, contribution to a cohesive society with the expansion of opportunities for educational mobility. The expected results of the project realized through job shadowing were: get a new perspective on ICT tools and learn new ways and best practices to integrate ICT into teaching and training, increasing competencies of participants in the field of strengthening basic and transversal skills (design educational programs, blended learning, fostering entrepreneurial skills, creativity, innovation in work), providing professional development and improvement of foreign language skills. Partners strengthened European cooperation and contributed to the internationalization of the organisations in the consortium, with the transfer of good practices. The project encourages the use of digital technologies in education by improving digital competences of teachers, adult learners, principals, administrative staff. The introduction of innovative methods will increase in the % of adults in lifelong learning in Croatia, especially those with low basic skills in distant areas (rural, far away from cities, islands). Project activities involved improvement of transversal skills that are in the line with the Strategy EU 2020, informal learning-job shadowing, with the aim of introduction of new methods and tools that are the basis for the development of flexible learning opportunities focused on individual learner. The host partner is an example of good practice in flexibility, innovation in the working methods and pedagogical approach to the constantly improving their educational offer. Cooperation on this project improved the quality of our institutions in the field of acquiring new knowledge that will be transferred to the educational activities our institutions., In EU context during mobility we got information about EU standards that will be involved in our work, as part of european development plan: - Education in accordance with international standards in the field of adult education - the level of qualifications of teachers must meet professional standards. - Availability and flexibility of education and training for learners regardless of their place of residence - The introduction of modern tools and forms of teaching and learning - The use of ICT educational materials shold be 50% until 2020 (Craft College) - New target groups, disadvantaged (unemployed, poor socio-economic status, etc.), living in distance areas, islands or with low transport infrastructure, - Increase the level of% of adults participating in education closer to the EU% -to provide teachers and staff international experience through mobility - Strengthen cooperation with institutions from the EU to further development of institutions During job shadowing participants got deeper information on organisational structure od UHI, assets needed, UHI blended learning standars, educational development standards, portal of resources to support longitudinal induction of students from study skills to practical information on the use of educational technologies, we observed classes, UHI methods and formats: text, audio, video, animation, virtual classroom, video conferences and pedagogical models of application of ICT in teaching and learning models. Learning and teaching academy presented courses for the teachers to be updated with new technologies. In the next period we'll transfer to our activities new methods - introducing step by step and sharing existing model of e-learning that Obrtničko učilište use.
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1 Partners Participants