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Improved water quality – sustainable handling of sewage in the archipelago (Bättre vattenkvalitet)

Finland and Sweden, 20 % of the residents live outside the central sewage system. According to calculations, these residentspollute the waterways more than the centralised sewage system. There is an obvious need for testing and development ofmodern methods for purification of sewage water from individual households. National and international regulationsdemand that sewage from seagoing vessels is properly disposed of and not pumped out into the sea. The need was apparentfor knowledge and technology to support the principle of sustainable development, while at the same time being cost-effective.The aim of the project ’’Bättre vattenkvalitet – hållbar hantering av avloppsvatten i skärgården’’ was to gather documentedknowledge about various small-scale sewage treatment alternatives, and to, in a larger scale, test sewage systems thataccording to the latest data were suitable for the suburbs. The project also comprised various pilot projects includingfollow-up of installations and their functionality, as well as possible environmental consequences.Additionally, the project would generate a suggestion for a network of stations for emptying septic tanks from leisurecrafts including other services in the project areas. Achievements: Please refer to the 'Description' field, which also includes the achievements of this project.

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  • 50%   347 123,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Skärgården (SE-FI)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants