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IMPROFARM -Improvement of Production and Management Processes in Agrigulture Through Transfer of Innovations

The main goal of IMPROFARM project is to support transfer of innovations and know-how between the partner countries to support development of skills an competencies of farmers and employees in the agriculture sector and related services, to support effectiveness of services and production related to agriculture, to support development of rural areas and employment in rural areas in partner countries. The project also wants to contribute to the transparency of skills of farmers and targeted types of professions in agriculture and agriculture related services. The project focuses on these areas of training: agritourism, business related skills in agriculture establishments (management, marketing, financial management, planning, production management), organic production, nursery, innovations in animal production and farm production. The project contributes to Community strategic guidelines for rural development for 2007-2013 in the areas of "competitiveness for agriculture, food and forestry axis, targeting human capital","quality of life and diversification of the rural economy" axis, which helps to develop rural areas by promoting services for the public, micro-enterprises, rural tourism, and development of the cultural heritage to improve the conditions for growth and job creation in all sectors". In more details in relation to these community guidelines the project facilitates innovation and access to research and development (R&D) for agriculture sector through transfer of know-how and innovations between the partner countries and from the involved research organisations and university. The project will also contribute to "fostering dynamic entrepreneurship, taking advantage of the opportunities provided by the recent reforms, which have created a market-oriented environment for European farming" through innovative training resources and exchange of relevant experience between the partner countries and from Transferring project through cases studies of real farm enterprises.Through involving the nursery module the project also contributes to "Improving the environment and countryside, ( preservation and development of high-nature value farming and forestry systems and traditional agricultural landscapes ) priority of the community guidelines.Various surveys related to training needs of farmers confirm, that focus and objectives of IMPROFARM project follow needs of the sector.The project outputs consist of the training resources and ICT assisted training utilising e-learning, blended learning and software training tools. The training resources consist of text books, case studies and assessment tools.The project partnership consist of a university, research institute, professional agriculture body, training, research and consultancy organisations. Involved countries are Poland, Italy, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Cyprus.
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4 Partners Participants