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"Implementing the cooperation between vocational schools and workshops for people with disabilities in curricula by developing a guideline and training materials for a Europe-wide dissemination of the VET4D concept."
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

VET4D stands for “Vocational Education and Training for disabled people”. Funded by the EU a partnership consisting of nine partners from 8 nations has been formed since 2010. The main goal is to support people with disabilities by technical aid during working processes. Ergonomically well designed work places are very important to accommodate people with different disabilities in order to help them to fulfill certain processes at work. Therefore workshops for disabled people are in continuous need of specialist equipment and devices. Such devices form the basis for ideal task activities for technical apprentices at vocational schools. Thereby students plan, develop, produce, and explain these technical devices needed for disabled people in workshops. In this cooperation students not only learn how to work on their own within a complex sequence - they also get a clearer perspective of difficulties experienced by disabled people in their working life’s. The first partnership project focused on the development of the "VET4D handbook of construction". A digital handbook with best practice examples of good cooperation between vocational schools and workshops for people with disabilities was produced. This handbook encourages vocational institutes as well as workshops to start local cooperation projects. The main goal of the second VET4D partnership project - proVET4D - was to develop the "VET4D - toolkit" which would help to show how good cooperation between vocational schools and workshops for people with disabilities can be started, what kind of projects are appropriate and how such projects can be managed successfully. The "iVET4D in Europe" partnership project is the third one and follows consequently the way to make the VET4D concept more popular within Europe. Therefore the main focus lays on the dissemination of the idea and concept of VET4D throughout the European Union and in the implementation of the VET4D concept in the curricula of vocational schools in Europa . With support of the EASPD - the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities - the idea of VET4D will be spread out to all relevant institutions, service providers and persons in charge for vocational education and people with disabilities. The EASPD represents over 10.000 social service provider organisations across Europe, has an influential european-wide network and first class experience in disseminating concepts within Europa. In the "VET4D international congress" and the national respectively regional "VET4D training and information events" the concept of VET4D will be presentated and explained to the participants. The aim is to show the benefit of local partnerships between vocational schools and workshops for people with disabilites. Therefore the multiplier events will motivate relevant stakeholders to bring the idea of VET4D in all countrys of the EU. To reach a wide impact in dissemination a "VET4D promotion video" will be produced which shows how the VET4D concept works and what benefit the participating institutions can expect. In order to support vocational schools as well as workshops for people with disabilities to start cooperation projects two guidelines will be developed: The "Guideline for implementing the VET4D concept into curricula and schedules of vocational schools in Europa" will give advice how cooperation projects with workshops for people with disabilities can be integrated successfully into curricula of the school. The "Guideline for managing the VET4D concept in multinational students groups" focuses on the work in coopertaion projects in multinational student groups. All copperation projects within this partnership project will be integrated into the VET4D handbook of construction and in an update of the "VET4D toolkit" and will be available for all interested people via the VET4D website
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9 Partners Participants