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Implementing Employment Service (IES)
Start date: Oct 31, 2008, End date: Oct 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Public Employment Service System, as system composed by several actors, is defined by the European Commission as a key element for combating unemployment and for favoring the access of job seekers to the labour market at local, national and European level. Its functioning and effectiveness is emphasized by Project IES activities which, according to the main goal of the interregional cooperation, aims at favoring the exchange of experiences among actors of different countries and acting as actors which, thanks to Project IES results, will contribute to improve the quality and the implementation of their own regional policies. Within the general context represented by the institutional services which the Public Employment Service provide, Project IES identifies five different issues: governance, choice orientations, labour demand-supply matching and job placement, participation of unprivileged people to the labour market and promotion of the individual employability.Through an intense exchange of experiences, carried out in different ways and according to innovative methodologies for better emphasizing the role of each partner and their different competences, the partnership, composed by actors coming from Italy, Spain, Romania, Slovenia, Germany, Austria, and Italy will be transferred information and valuable results for building a more efficient System and for providing their local customers with more useful services. Projects activities begin with five thematic surveys focused on the main tasks of the local institutions in different countries of Europe. The comparative perspective will be followed by drawing five Gap Analysis guides, made to compare existing systems of partners countries and to create a grid through which it is decided who transfers what to whom. They will be realised by a Technical Working Group composed by representatives of each partner and their results will be circulated in technical seminary. Its resultswil be the point of reference for deciding which experiences (in which country) belonging to the list will be studied during the following staff-exchanges. During the mentioned phase the donor partners will be charged of transferring their experiences to receiving partners, by involving them in daily activities, training on the job, writing the draft plan of activities which will have to be realized during the following phase; donors will also act as tutors in receiving countries by organizing and carrying out activities to support the receiving partner to disseminate, at organisation level, the content of the guidelines in order to fill the gap between the state of the art and the practise to be transferred. TheTWG with the support of the SC will then involve locally policy makers for implementing a recommendation report. Achievements: Project IES (Implementing Employment Service) started on November 1st 2008 with the preliminary activities towards the draft of a Partnership agreement which was defined during the first Steering Group Meeting held in Cagliari on December 22nd -23rd 2008. The Agreement was finally signed up by the 10 partners belonging to 6 different EU countries: Italy (3), Austria (1), Germany (1), Spain (2), Romania (2), Slovenia (1). The project was launched in Cagliari on March 3rd through a Launch Conference which represented the opportunity to present the Project and its objectives which can be summarized in the improvement of the efficacy and quality of Regional Employment Services by exchanging good practices and mainstreaming the results to policy makers. The event drew the attention of more than 100 people representing Trade Unions, Trade Associations, Employment services and other local entities. In concomitance with the event, a Press Conference was organized and news of the event appeared on local newspaper and on regional television. Project activities are grouped into 3 components. Component 1 Management and coordination, has so far successfully worked towards the realization of two Steering Group Meetings in Cagliari and Graz, for finalizing the partnership internal documents and for adopting the decisions concerning the Project's phases. Component 2 Communication and dissemination, after drawing up the Communication and Dissemination plan, designed the IES logo and Press Kits, implemented the IES web site reaching the objectives of issuing and disseminating the first editorial and the first newsletter. Moreover, the intermediate results of the Project were communicated to the press in Graz, immediately after and SG meeting, and in Maribor, after a technical meeting. As for the Project is the web site (, beside informing the public about the Project, its objectives and activities, started functioning as an internal commication tools by hosting documents, results and data to be shared by the partnership. Component 3 Exchange of experiences", dedicated to the identification and analysis of the good practices referring to the functioning of the Public Employment Service Systems in 10 EU regions, is further divided in 4 different phases: WP1 Thematic surveys, WP2 Study visits, WP3 Staff Exchange and WP4 Transfer Action. At the end of 2009, Project IES partners managed to select and analyse 44 good practices. They were categorized into 10 different types of measures: trainings, databases, networks/partnerships, educational programmes, fairs/events, employment projects, coaching/teaching/counselling, allowances, organization/structure/management, and communication and marketing. In a first step, a general analysis of good practices within the same thematic field has been conducted in order to provide a descriptive overview. In a second step, the good practices were analyzed and compared within the 10 types of measures on an indicator specific level as the clustering within the same type of measure offered a higher level of comparability. The indicator values have been normalized and weighted. As a result, recommendations for a transfer of practices for each partner were provided in a list based on the combination of the results of the macro- and micro-benchmarking. All activities are coordinated by a group of experts named Technical Working Group which has already met twice in Cagliari on March 2nd 2009 and in Maribor on 9th September 2009.

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  • 76.4%   1 437 105,59
  • 2007 - 2013 Interreg IVC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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9 Partners Participants