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Implementierung einer "Europa-Klasse" mit Auslandspraktika im Rahmen der beruflichen Erstausbildung
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Professional traineeships are an integral element within the initial vocational training at the "Berufsbildende Schule Wirtschaft Idar-Oberstein" (vocational school of economics at Idar-Oberstein). Mandatorily embedded in several educational programmes and school types, they complement the theoretical subject teaching with indispensable practical experience. Foreign traineeships are now increasingly to be offered, so that, with the broadened learning content, an in-practise approach to economic activity on European and global level can be experienced. In May 2015 the Berufsbildende Schule Wirtschaft obtained its European School certification. At the time both, students and teaching staff had already been active in international projects within the framework of Lifelong Learning programmes. There were some student exchanges and foreign traineeships in the past, but only a minority benefited from these. By means of Erasmus+ it is now intended to establish a "European Class" scheme, which, within the initial vocational training (upper vocational school, dual training), permanently integrates an additional traineeship of at least two weeks abroad into the school profile and the curriculum. Initially, students of both school types will, two times over two years, make use of four proven hosting organisations, which form the basis for more target countries to follow. Thus, altogether 48 students and eight attendants/subject teachers will, over two years, carry out eight foreign activities with traineeships in four countries (CZ, NOR, TY, GB). Upon evaluation and optimisation this project will serve as a sustainable and permanent "European School Opportunity" for future student generations.As a rule, the students are between 17 and 20 years of age, more likely structurally disadvantaged, highly motivated and open minded for the broadening of their cross-cultural, professional, social and economic competencies. In the commercial field the trainees gain insight into processes, as they are common practise in administration, accounting, and the general course of business, with an emphasis on file keeping and office management. The training period is also being recognised as part of a six-month traineeship, which is, at a Fachhochschule (technical college) are an additional requirement for graduation. These competencies are to enhance the students' chances in their professional career (certificates/"Europapass" for application documents are provided) and concurrently to complement the school profile and teaching curriculum of the Europaschule BBS-Wirtschaft Idar-Oberstein with concrete experiences and learning content.Sustainable and long-term overall benefits resulting from such measures have always been confirmed by students, parents, employers and teachers.
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