Search for European Projects

Immersion Course (Scotland) and EFT Ole' (Spain)
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Immersion Course: The Annual Immersion Course in Edinburgh for Secondary School Teachers of English is organised by LFEE. The location is Edinburgh and the objective of the course includes information on the different UK education systems and also on Scotland’s culture and history. The aims of course is to update participants’ competence and discursive skills in English, to enhance methodological expertise in the teaching of English, to consolidate and gain new ideas and materials for use in the classroom, to use Internet and other ICT resources and to share experiences with colleagues from other European regions. The follow-up presents teachers with a certificate at the end of the week and have the opportunity to join a Europe/UK-wide network. The activities are class based discussions and educational excursions; and a two teachers training in language and methodology to embed the target language into Schools. It also helps school follow new national curriculum. We can also find partners abroad and eventually get pupils to use ICT to communicate with other schools in UK and abroad. Participants: 1) Lilian Oliva Mifsud, is a 43-year-old who has been teaching English at St Thomas More Boys School for the last 16 years. Recently has become Head of Department in the same subject. This course will open new opportunities and prove beneficial for her own CPD as well as for her school in general. She looks forward to sharing her expertise with European colleagues. 2) Charlene Cauchi, is a 24-year-old who has been teaching at St Thomas More for two years and teaching foreigners for four years. Recently graduated from her studies, she is very keen on increasing her teaching expertise and learning new methodologies to help her students achieve more. This course will prove beneficial for her future career and the educational system. 3) Maureen Amoroso, is a 40-year-old who has been teaching English for 19 years. She is also one of the teacher librarians in her school and she has been a teacher librarian for 6 years. She is sure that this course will be of great benefit in helping her to improve her teaching skills and use of IT during lessons. This course will provide us with the opportunity to come together with our European counterparts and it will enhance our teaching methodology and enhance our language skills and gain fresh ideas and implement this during English lessons. EFT Ole': St Thomas More BSS is applying to participate in a Cervantes project entitled Coaching in educational contexts to reduce early school leaving – 7th-18th July. The aim of our participation is to address the issue of early school leavers. Reducing Early School Leaving is one of the priorities of the Europe 2020 Strategic framework for Education and Training and of Erasmus +.The course will introduce participants to a new methodology of Energy Psychology Techniques (EPT) together with Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) with a strong emphasis placed on using these tools within an education environment. The objective of this project lies in understanding the relationship between stress and physical and mental health, exploring the health issues predominant within the teaching profession. Aggressive behaviour and bullying inside and outside the classroom will also be looked in depth. Participants will learn how to manage and reduce stress levels thereby improving not only their overall health but also their day to day interaction with students and colleagues by applying Energy Psychology Techniques in order to reduce early school leaving. The participant is Ms Josette Ciappara has a very vast experience in the field of education. She has taught Maltese, Italian, Literature in Junior Lyceum Schools and in ex Opportunity Centres . These schools housed the highest and the lowest academic achievers. She was a peripethetic teacher of Drama and she worked with different age groups fro Kinder Garden students to University Students. She was principal of the Drama Centre in Malta for 5 years. She has vast experience in Theatre in Education and in Drama in Education. She organised various theatre festivals on a national level and served as secretary in the international EDERED Foundation. She is an actress and theatre director. She is a motivational speaker and she is often requested to do staff development courses and workshops. She is also the Vice President of YiXue Life Cultivation Malta Association and for the past 2 years she was responsible for the launching of a project for children with learning disabilities. She is currently working on a research project for these children in conjunction with the local authorities. At school as an assistant head she is responsible for school activities and school projects, for children with different conditions, their Learning Support Assistants and parents. She liaises with the college counsellor and the special services unit and follows through issues that arise regarding special services unit.

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