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IKT inovācijas un neformālas izglītības metodes sinerģīja ar formālās izglītības procesu - mūsdienīgs risinājums skolēniem ar mācīšanas traucējumiem.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project- to organize the acquisition and introduction of new qualitative methods in our school ( synergy of non-formal and formal education in the learning process and use of ICT during educational process, especially with students with learning difficulties) during the period of 1 year ( 7 mobilities) 6 of our support stuff and 1 teacher of English with long-term aims- to provide all possible support for students with learning difficulties in all subjects, as well as in the lessons of English, to minimize stereotypes, to diminish social alienation, threat of discrimination, as well as prejudices towards these children. With the introduction of these new methods we plan to modernize the learning process and to make it more interesting, thus motivating them to learn and diminish the risks of early school leaving. Participation in this project and acquiring new skills will promote the education for those families with special needs children, additionally; it will facilitate the education of the society in general. This project will promote the integration of special needs children in society and will suit the principles of integrated education, stimulating the motivation of learning and decreasing the numbers of early school leavers. During the mobilities participants had excellent possibilities to acquire new innovative methods, to realize the opportunities of non-formal education and their use, diversity and to synergize them in the formal education process, as well as to master new ICT skills, competences and tools, to rise abilities how to use them efficiently in the study process. It was very significant that we carried out he project internationally- we had possibilities to share experiences and carry on cooperation in the international scale; internet platforms like eTwinning, Moodle, etc promoted these opportunities. Each of the participating countries shared their experiences, because every participant contributed greatly, which in general forms shared experiences, especially practically. Each participant improved intercultural and linguistic competences, which in turns gave chance to realize the European bonding experiences. This as well increased our school’s European competitiveness and future cooperation within the scale of European level. After the return from mobilities we: *) integrated newly acquired methods and skills in the study process in our school, emphasizing the motivation and modernization of school environment; *) made compilations about all course experiences in video and photo format, ad published them in the internet resources *) filled out the questionnaires required by course organizers; *) the support stuff team was expanded alongside with the realization of integration events in our school. As well the restructuring of work within support team was carried out. Regular stuff meetings along the members of support team and school administration were enforced; *) we informed the representatives of local municipality in terms of education and future cooperation among school and pre-school institutions. This was done alongside with preventive actions towards the accessibility of education for all children, increasing support and integrated education possibilities for children of our region. Meeting with representatives with school members, teachers from pre-school and support teams were organized. The idea of establishing development centre was proposed thus enhancing preventive actions and support towards special needs children both in school and pre-school level. *) we published materials in internet resources, giving the society greater information chances about new innovative methods and their use in our school. We prepared and carried out a special course for professionals; *) in work with parents we used newly acquired skills and competences *) in future we plan to inform and educate our colleagues and support team members from neighbouring regions about variety of methods and skills, as well as the possibilities how to improve the study process at school *) we plan to inform the colleagues from foreign countries (international course for speech therapists in Bulgaria, July 2016), additionally we plan to distribute the results and our own experiences in the speech therapist professional associations. Our school support team has the best professionals and owing to this international project they had chance to increase their competences and widen their knowledge internationally, thus increasing their competitiveness. They definitely became highly rated professionals with wide world outlook and increased motivation. Participation in this project promoted the modernization and internationalization of school environment regarding the school development plan which in general reflects the interest of European Union, its culture, traditions and education systems in order to realize our own national identity and appreciate the cultural heritage.

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