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IKT gabių mokinių ugdymui
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Joniškio "Aušros" gymnasium is constantly looking for innovations that seek to provide students to meet the needs of education and training institution. Since 2012 gymnasium carries gifted and talented students search and selection. During this period has already set 43 first gymnasium class gifted and talented high school students. Later they have individualized education plans for their studies. Further successful gifted education can be ensured only by teachers and applied their mastery of the work of new innovative based on ICT methods and training tools, upgrade teaching materials efficiently organizing educational activities.The education system for gifted and talented students and preparation the recommendations on gifted education is one of the aims of our gymnasium. We strive to educating gifted children is dealt with not only the high school level or the republic level but also taking over the international experience and sharing their ideas in pedagogical international community.The aim of this project is to create a single gifted education methodology based on ICT using, local and foreign educational innovation.The project activities include not only teachers and gymnasium administrations of the professional development of new competencies but the dissemination of lessons learned both in the Republic and internationally.Expected job shadowing is a great tool to reach a target and to share the knowledge of educational experience in different countries. It is envisaged that about ten school teachers and administration members will improve their skills about teaching and motivating gifted and talented students, conflict managing, problem solving. This experience will be shared among other gymnasium teachers and teachers in neighboring schools.We hope that this project will improve the organization's work with gifted and talented students. Gymnasium teachers will have the opportunity to transfer their skills and competencies to other schools in different cities and counties as well. We have the vision improving the education of gifted and talented students to reach better results and achievements in different competitions, olympiads and exam assessment. Teachers while planning their educational and methodological work will use the new knowledge and competencies.Administration will motivate staff to their work and a positive attitude to the teacher's job will partly come back.

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