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IES Selgas: Programa de Formación Permanente basado en la adquisición de competencias en un marco europeo.
Start date: Dec 18, 2014, End date: Dec 17, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Nowadays education seems to be more challenging than ever and requires new teaching approaches and methodologies with a growing use of ICT technologies. This project aims to contribute to the achievement of IES Selgas Educational Project's objectives through teacher's lifelong learning activities. In particular, it aims to improve the staff's competences, knowledge, methodology and skills through a period abroad. The participants and activities have been included in response to the main improvement areas detected in our Educational Project: a) To improve the staff's competences to consolidate the school's Bilingual stream: - New teaching approaches and methodologies for foreign languages teachers in a teaching and learning context based on competences - CLIL teachers' improvement in communication in foreign languages competence - New teaching approaches, contents and methodologies for CLIL teachers b) To improve the school's management system - more awareness of other school management systems and transferable good practices c) To promote European added value whithin the school's Educational Project The seven participants have been selected due to their key roles in the school respect these needs of improvement: - Bilingual Stream Coordinator (and teacher of English as a foreign language in the Bilingual stream) - Head of the English Department (and teacher of English as a foreign language in the Bilingual stream) - Headmistress (and teacher of English as a foreign language) - CLIL teacher of Citizenship in the Bilingual Stream - Coordinator of the School's webpage (CLIL teacher trainee) - Head of Studies ( and teacher of French as a foreign language) - Deputy Head of Studies (teacher of Spanish and Coordinator of the school's magazine) Five of the teachers involved in this project intend to do training courses in the UK focused in methodology, English language and ICT while the Head of Studies intends to take part in a "Job shadowing" in a French school focused in school management and French. The participants will transfer and disseminate this project in the school and the community so that its impact could extend into the whole school with: - Significant improvement in communication in foreign languages in all the teachers involved - Methodology refreshment and updating - Significant improvement in digital competences - Fuller understanding of the concept of European citizenship in the school - More motivation in teachers and students - More interest and experience in carrying out international projects - Better appreciation of the importance of lifelong learning The main expected results are linked to the assesssment process: - Training activities final certificates and individual reports - Project final and assessment reports - Training sessions at the school to carry out the transfer of the new teaching methods and resources to the rest of the staff - Dissemination actions in the school's webpage and magazine - Questionnaires to evaluate the impact of the project in teachers, students and families. Obviously all the issues we have already mentioned regarding the impact and results of the project will imply a significant and sustainable improvement in the quality of the education given in our school. In the long term the school will definitely benefit of a deeper understanding of the European citizenship with an increasing interest in the whole community in taking part in new innovative international projects and a better appreciation of lifelong learning practices.
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