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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project represents our second own project for Vocational Training, the first under the ERASMUS + program, since we are finishing the development of the first project Leonardo da Vinci during this course 2014-15 (Call 2013). Previously, our participation has been through projects managed by the Education Ministry of the Balearic Government. Therefore, this project will involve our consolidation as an institution with European vision and offers students the opportunity to develop a training quality stay in another European country, while providing to the teachers of VET the opportunity, for the first time directly from our institution, to develop a training period. To do this, our institution already has a systematic methodology that involves developing activities and necessary steps throughout the course as scheduled programming: briefing at the start of the course, onset of language and cultural preparation open to all stakeholders, a call publication, selection of interested students, organization of mobility, monitoring and evaluating them and finally certification and evaluation. All these steps are possible thanks to the involvement of virtually all teachers of VET, foreign language department, management team and office staff. The project addresses the increasing fact that students are able to develop their career and life anywhere, bear in mind that their future is not limited to the possibilities offered them their immediate environment. Living on an island as Menorca, this need even has greater importance. The goal is that students come into contact with other ways of working in the professional areas they study, and very different from what can be found in Menorca work and industry fields. In addition, it is intended that students know and assume the reality of the European Working Market to which they belong, and are able to eliminate boundaries and open horizons for cultural, social and professional level. A difficult task, considering that our students have an additional limitation living on an island with few opportunities to travel to the rest of Europe due to the double insularity. The training required for staff maintains this objective and it aims to improve the professional and linguistic skills of all students of Gardening and Floristry thanks to the training received by their teachers. In this case, the project is aimed at students between 4 VET studies of our institution and a total of 12 mobility grants are requested for practical training for 4 weeks during 2015-16: 4 grants for VET students of Electrical and Automatic Installations (ELE-21) 3 grants for VET students of Gardening and Floristry (AGA-23) One grant for a VET student of Mechanization (Mechanical manufacturing) (FME-21) 4 grants for VET students of Administrative Management (ADG-21) These grants are distributed at various flows of students, their country of destination and the date of completion of the mobility. Thus, they will start with the 3 mobilities of Gardening & Floristry, which will take place in April 2016 in Finland, thanks to the collaboration of our partner OULU VOCATIONAL COLLEGE (OSAO). The other mobilities are scheduled for the last week course, from late May to the third week of June 2016. Our German partner Vitalis will welcome students of Electricity and Machining, while for Administrative students’ placements we will be helped by the intermediary companies Tourism Training System and Vision, from Italy and UK respectively. As a result of this experience, these young people should expand their technical and professional competence and their field of work beyond the area of the island where they live, or their country of residence. Therefore, the expected impact will range from improving the employability of participants and developing their awareness as European citizens, to a greater prestige and attractiveness of our institution for his career in Europe. Our institution is the Secondary and VET school that more VET and Higher Education mobilities managed in Menorca and also more students from other countries receive from its partners, and this project should serve to maintain this level or even improve it.

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