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Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1 - . CONTEXT The IES Don Bosco is one of the schools with more students within VET programmes in Castile -La Mancha (twelve training cycles and nearly 800 vocational students ) . After participating in the Erasmus program for students of Higher Studies between 2009 and 2013 and in the Mobility Project Initial Vocational Training 2014/2015 and getting the Erasmus Charter ECHE 2014-2020, this project reinforces Mobility Initial Vocational Training Students , integrating , on this occasion ,with three professional families . The mobilities will be developed in three countries from the European Union, which are complementary and interesting to our project (Italy, Malta and Germany). 2. OBJECTIVES - Support students in acquiring professional skills - Support the professional development of teachers - Improve language skills in foreign languages of all participants - Increase awareness and understanding of the participants of other cultures and European countries - Offer activities that best meet the needs of the participants - Ensure the recognition of skills acquired - Develop collaboration between organizations dedicated to education, mobility and employment 3 - . PARTICIPANTS . - Six VET students belonging to three Professional Families (Electricity and Electronic, Vehicle Maintenance , Mechanical Manufacturing ) - Two teachers of the Department of Installation and Maintenance . 4 - . ACTIVITIES ACTIVITY 1: Students mobility for training and / or practice in vocational training schools - Destination Mühlacker , Germany ( partner : Institute Ferdinand-von-Steinbess-Schule, FvSS - Mühlacker and associated companies) : 2 Technician in Motor Vehicles Electro mechanics students ACTIVITY 2: Student mobility for placements . - Destination Malta ( IZI socio Ltd ): 1 Technician in Electrical and Automatic Installations student and 1 Technician in Telecommunications Installations student. - Destination Italy ,( partner ASSOFORM RIMINI) ) : 2 Technician in Welding and Boilermaking students. ACTIVITY 3 : Staff mobility for training (observation of good practice or "job shadowing "). - Destination Italy ( partner ASSOFORM RIMINI) : a professor of the department of Installation and Maintenance . - Destination Germany ( partner FVSS Mühlacker) : a professor of the department of Installation and Maintenance . 5 - . METHODOLOGY USED TO CARRY OUT THE PROJECT - Definition of Project FP Intermediate as one of the objectives of the Charter Erasmus ECHE of our center. - Search for partners who complemented each other for getting quality practices to three Professionals Families - Adapt our European experience in the design of this project 6 - . DESCRIPTION AND IMPACT EXPECTED RESULTS - Students have successfully completed the training module in Workplaces (FCT) and improved their professional, linguistic and personal autonomy skills, increasing their employability. While still early to measure the employability in Spain, it is important to say that 4 of our 6 students have received job offers in destination countries before finalizing the mobility. - Students have developed their CV Europass in Spanish and English and in their titles include the Europass Supplement. - All students acknowledge that they have expanded the knowledge and understanding towards European multiculturalism, they have felt integrated in destination countries and have met people with whom now maintain contact through social networks and ICT. - Regarding organizational and academic improvements in our center, on one hand the academic content of the practices by students have been tested by their tutors of FCT, comparing them with similar activities in Spain and on the other hand, the mobilities of the two teachers will extend into the college and allow to IES DON BOSCO educational improvements and incorporate them in training activities and also they have allowed to test the effectiveness of our training system and management. - We have established partnerships with organizations and companies from these countries for the 2016 Erasmus call. - Disseminate our experience at local and regional and linternational level (this one in a German newspaper). 7 - LONG-TERM BENEFITS - For participating students: improving their chances of employment. - For the center: incorporating improvements in educational programming and management processes of European programs - Improving the image of the center, more motivation for students and establishing permanent relations with other European entities.
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3 Partners Participants