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ICT: Inclusion, Clil, Technologies
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“ IIS Da Vinci- Ripamonti” offers its students an educational pathway structured in different study orientations, that range from the Technical sector (graphic/ communication, transports/ logistics, fashion courses) to the Professional one ( with courses concerning the Services of technical maintenance and assistance and the industrial/handmade Manufacturing). The educational proposal of our school is enhanced by activities and projects regarding the teaching, the working and the language area, with particular attention to the special needs students.By improving and broadening the staff’s competences ( both for the teachers and for the office staff) the main aim is to increase:- the level of knowledge and competence concerning the use of the ICT for educational purposes ( as to match to the principles of the National Plan for a Digital School (PNSD);- the level of competence in English in conformity with the ministerial directives concerning the CLIL methodology, to satisfy the necessity to update the teaching of foreign languages as to guarantee a more concrete placement in the world of work for the students. The improvement of the level of competence in English for the office staff is necessary to enhance the communication with the foreign students and their families and help them integrate more easily.- the level of knowledge of the inclusive teaching methodologies to prevent the early school leaving and increase the motivation of the students in a school environment ready to receive and give the differences the value they have.- the competences of Project Cycle Management as to be able to face the fulfillment of future Erasmus+ projects in the best way The participants will be nineteen teachers and two office workers. The planning is for twenty-eight mobilities in which the headmaster herself will take part.The courses selected will last one week and will take place in five different countries ( foreign languages and methodology courses) in Holland ( Project Cycle Management), in England, Ireland and Malta ( CLIL methodology courses), in Finland ( inclusive teaching methodologies courses) and in Spain ( Job-shadowing).During the mobilities the participants will keep constantly in touch with the school and their tutors as to permit the monitoring of the right development and to face the possible necessities.When the participants get back, the Project Committee will have the task to get specific forms ready as to survey the effectiveness of the path the participants have experienced. Later , the participants will be requested to report about the competences they have acquired in order to check the achievement of the objectives identified in the continuing education plan considered in the Quality Management System ( SGQ). According to the achieved outcomes, the Three-year Educational Proposal Plan (PTOF) will be enriched with new educational projects and activities by the fifteenth of October.Later, courses and meetings will be planned both with the school staff and with other entities of the territory ( other schools, companies and authorities) for the dissemination of the most relevant contents.An evaluation and dissemination plan has been prepared to assess the processes with specific indicators ( concerning the impact, the outcomes and the customers satisfaction ) and to disseminate the outcomes at different levels ( inside the Class Committee, the Subjects Department, and to other entities of the territory)After the mobility is concluded, this project will be still supported by the headmaster and all her staff: the educational path, in the areas defined in this project and experienced by the participants, will be included in a specific educational plan prepared in conformity with the directive UNI EN ISO 9001:2008Moreover, thanks to the outcomes the courses will take and to the European project team, the aim is to write a KA1VET, concerning the mobility for the training of the students and the staff , and to implement a strategic partnership KA2 VET, involving the students themselves in all the phases of the project.

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