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ICIQ International Postdoctoral Mobility Programme (ICIQ-IPMP)
Start date: May 1, 2012, End date: Apr 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The aim of the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (Institut Català d’Investigació Química, ICIQ; ) is to set up a training programme addressed to highly talented and motivated experienced researchers to give them the opportunity to develop their research career at the Institute.The postdoctoral researchers will have the opportunity to joint one of the research groups at the Institute, and will follow an individual research project under the supervision and mentoring of an internationally renowned group leader in a stimulating and multidisciplinary scientific environment. They will have access to the Institute scientific facilities and scientific life and will follow hands-on training activities on the use of scientific instrumentation. Coaching oriented to provide non-scientific skills of key importance for a successful scientific career, and oriented to broaden the researcher’s career development, will be a fundamental aspect of the programme.The programme will consist of 4 calls, one every year, for 11 positions for a two year post-doctoral stay. It will be actively and internationally promoted and open to worldwide researchers in an equal opportunity basis. Eligibility for the programme will require geographical mobility and other mobility experiences will be positively evaluated. The application procedure will be simple, clear and applicant friendly. The evaluation will have two stages (previous scientific achievements and research project) and the selection procedure will be based on excellence of the candidates. The Selection Committee will be composed exclusively of external members and will be chaired by an internationally recognized scientist."
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