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Icelandic Apprentices in Europe II
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As stated in the beginng of this application our reason for us wanting to carry out this project is to support VET-providers in creating sustainable European partnerships,we would like to give an added value to the companies through transnational mobility projects (this is an area of great interest and is in its early stages), continue to enhance and implement a coherent quality system, finding the appropriate methods and tools for the recognition of mobility periods as a recognized part of the domestic education and training. To put this in a European context it has been on the European Commissions agenda for some years to improve the quality and to increase the volume of mobility throughout Europe of people involved in initial vocational education and training and in continuing training. This is also the case according to a report called, Policy-making for LIFELONG LEARNING, The Development of Education Policy in Iceland in the context of Europe (2010) where the emphasis will be placed amongst other things on "the mobility of students between countries, to increase people’s competence in tackling various jobs and promote adaptability." The Bruges Communiqué stresses "the dual objective of VET a)contributing to employability and economic growth and b) responding to broader societal challenges, in particular promoting social cohesion" and Bruges Stategic Objectives 1&2 give special attention to "Improving the quality and efficiency of VET and enhancing its attractiveness and relevance" and finally in the Bruges Stratigic Objective 5 makes a point of enhancing creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. ICEAPP -Euro II is a natural progression from its predecessor ICEAPP-Euro. There are new elements to this continuum that harmonize with local and European priorities but also highlights new approaches. Such as global and social awareness through sustainability and emphasis on the role of the hosting companies. The main objectives of ICEAPP- EURO II is to; a) enhance and make mobility a real choice for apprenticeship students in the certified trades, b) strengthen the competencies of IÐAN and supporting parties to promote domestic reforms towards transparency and permeability, c) validate credits and develop ECVET knowledge in regards with the recognition of acquired learning outcomes and d) build and organise a network of competent and high quality host providers. e) to encourage young people to test their professional abilities and strengthen their professional network. f) to introduce global and social awareness through sustainability. g) giving an added value to the companies through transnational mobility projects We believe this will enhance and benefit companies and apprentices within the traditional crafts and trades. Both professionally and personally through strengthening professional and personal traits and acquiring new ones. It is our vision and aim to be able to offer apprentice choice on how he/she build their competencies. This may also help apprentice that have constricted choices in regards with work placements in Iceland due limited number of companies or the reduction of companies due to the economic situation. The range of partners is diverse, ranging from colleges, companies and social partners with a vast experience of mobility giving Icelandic students access to thousands of companies under supervision. This relationship means that IÐAN will receive apprentices form these countries and hosting them in reliable companies thus implementing a system for cross border transfer of Learning outcomes.
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12 Partners Participants