Search for European Projects

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Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The applicant organisation is a pre-primary, primary and low secondary school. The school has always been interested in international projects at primary and low secondary levels. The projects accomplished so far were partnerships and assistantships (as hosting school). The organisation's interest in mobility has grown and grown over the years thanks to the opportunities offered by the EU education programmes. Erasmus + KA101 fits perfectly the need of the organisation to improve foreign language skills, cultural exchange, teaching methods and practices exchange, in order to carry on better and better further partnerships and cooperation with schools from other countries. Our KA101 project involves pre-primary, primary and low secondary teachers, the headteacher and office staff. The participants are foreign language teachers, some teach other subjects, some teach to pupils with special needs. The chosen destination countries were the U.K., France, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The organisation applied for twenty mobilities in two years. Only eighteen were accepted, in fact the two mobilities to Bosnia and Herzegovina were not approved because this country cannot take part in the KA1 - staff training abroad project, as the applying organisation wrongly thought. Once abroad, the participants attended some of the training courses pointed out in the application form: about language teaching methodology (according to the different ages of their pupils/student), culture of the host country, CLIL, using technology in FLT, FLT to pupils with special needs, language development, reducing early school-leaving, reinforcing quality in early childhood education, European intercultural dialogue. The courses were two weeks or one week courses and the participants were hosted by families, one or two per family, in order to give them the chance to experiment the host country's way of living and essay a language/cultural full immersion. Touring places was also a planned activity for the participants to appreciate the natural environment, art and history of the host country and broaden their knowledge of it. School education staff mobility of eighteen people in two years is expected to benfit the school as a whole. The participants are expected to share their acquired experience with their colleagues, through meetings and workshops. They are expected to turn into practice their knowledge in their classes with their pupils or students. Neighbouring schools, or even more distant ones, can benefit of the project experience by means of meeting, articles, blogs, virtual forum. Long term outcomes are envisaged, too: developing more awareness about the opportunities Europe offers for young and adults; creating a knowledge-based Europe and making life-long learning a reality for all; strengthening the idea of the Union as a study destination; stimulating “brain circulation”; promoting equality between men and women and measures to combat discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation; fostering the sense of belonging to a wider community, bigger than our own nation, in order to get used to the idea that we are European citizens.

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