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I CARE Informal Competences Assessment and Recognition for Employment

I CARE aimed at promoting innovative procedures for the recognition and certification of competences acquired in non-formal and informal learning settings and for the transparency of qualifications, within common framework such as EQF and ECVET, and with specific focus on the “white jobs” and the profession of caregiver.On the results of the project “TIPEIL - Transfer of an Innovative Portfolio to Evaluate Informal Learning” (LLP – LDV 2007-2009), I CARE intended to: - transferring to the Public Employment Services (PES) in Italy and Romania an innovative procedure for the recognition of non-formal and informal competences, i.e. the methodology of the digital portfolio and its supporting web based platform - integrating such methodology into a Model for the assessment and certification of non-formal and informal competences, related to the caregiver. The exchange of European best practices (The Netherlands and United Kingdom) and the analysis of the procedures and instruments used in the PES were crucial hereDirect beneficiaries:Staff (guidance/tutors) of the PES in Italy and Romania.Indirect beneficiaries:Decision makers in the field of definition of training standards, competences and professional qualifications; organizations /services working in the recognition and certification of competences, information, guidance, consultancy and matching of demand and offer of labour.

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