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Hybrid qualifications - increasing the value of Vocational Education and Training in the context of Lifelong Learning

The European Qualifications Framework set the standards, as one of its aims is making possibilities for structural connections between the single sectors of the education system, as well as transparency and permeability which are geared to it. One of the structurally important terms of reference was formed by the transition from the vocational education (in its varying institutional and didactic characteristics) and the higher education via so-called "hybrid"- respectively "double-qualifications", which had a "hub function". With them there open the qualified entrance into working life (in the sense of vocational training) as well as the access to higher education. The starting point of this project were the facts - unsatisfactory from European view - that the individual countries proceed very differently with such hybrid qualifications, and that they each receive a nationally typically rating in the education policy agenda, whereby structural resistances often prevent their spreading and anchoring in the system of vocational training.Before this background, the project pursued the following aims:1. It should be discovered of what kind these hybrid qualifications are, and which political respectively educational motivations are responsible for their introduction in the individual countries.2. It should be discovered under which structural general conditions hybrid qualifications so far have been introduced respectively under which structural conditions they have been neglected or prevented.3. It should be discovered how the concerned protagonists view respectively judge such qualifications with their attitudes, values and perceptions (teachers, learners, employers, persons responsible for education policy) and to what extent in individual countries one can talk of "best-practice-approaches".4. There should be formulated recommendations to the address of the protagonists responsible for education policy, which, in the sense of a transfer of innovations, refer to identified "best-practice-approaches", and which shall contribute to an increase of the chances to meet the instructions of the European Qualifications Framework.

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