European Projects
Hybrid cars specialization, maintenance and repair..
Hybrid cars specialization, maintenance and repair - a chance for a successful career in a green and healthy world
Start date: Sep 1, 2016,
End date: Aug 31, 2018
The world auto industry is one of the most important economy branches, with auto vehicule production having a growth rate similar to the one of the world population. Global warmth, mineral resources extinction and the polution of urban agglomerations are problems which have to be solved in the new century, imposing, in the same time, new standards for the automobiles' propulsion systems. The world invests more and more in ecology and environment protection, with an imposing re-orientation to ecological fuels and engines, which massivly influence the architecture of cars' arhitecture and propulsion systems. A hybrid car is a vehicle which can function with more than one type of energy. The massive growth of different types cars' number enforces also the obtaining of the professional skills, needed by the future specialists in the Mechanical field. Mechanics is a part of the vocational schools curricula in all European countries. Education for knowing the classical and electrical engines has grown both by continuous professional formation curricula and by extra-curricular activities. It is absolutely necessary that the future employees get in contact with all news in the field, in order to face the demands of the National and EU labour market. The target group will consist of high-school and vocational school tenth grade students, Technical profile, Mechanical field, having as purpose promoting the quality in education, assurance of a better transition from school to active life and facilitating young people access to the labour market. The project has as general objective a growth of students' instruction level, in order to obtain a successful career in a domain of the future.Specific objectives:1. aquisition of knowledge about the technical documentation, necessary for the hybrid car maintenance and repair activities2. development of the abilities, necessary for the hybrid car current maintenance and repair works3. development of the abilities, necessary for assembling and dissasembling of classical and hybrid engines' components4. aquisition of knowledge regarding environment protection regulations' application, in the case of classical and hybrid engines.This project adresses to the participants' needs to assimilate the specialized terminology, to develop professional abilities, applied in a workshop with modern facilities, to acquire knowledge, skills, abilities, capacities and attitudes which are meant to contribute to the activities' quality and efficiency assurance, harmonization of the work intensity and corelation of the working tasks received with the other team members, integration into a work formation and assuming of the received role in its framework, in order to fullfil the tasks, developing of communication skills in English.The training period development will offer to the participants basic knowledge regarding the architecture and functioning of a hybrid car, technical documentation used in maintenance and repair of this type of cars, assembling and dissasembling operations, energetic consumption efficiency in the situation of coplying to the environment regulations, to act independently in the field of work safety, to plan their own work operations. All these will lead to an increase of the employability of the future graduates on the local, national and European job market and to a development of their professional career in the same field they trained for. The project impact will consist of a drop of the unemployment rate, an increase and a better promotion of the job opportunities, the work experiences, improving the social and economic effects of deprivation and social exclusion in risk areas.