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Human rights education through innovative peer action
Start date: Dec 1, 2009,

Center Children Today is carrying out an intercultural training course in Human Rights Education with young people. The project comes as an initial response to the need for non formal education projects concerning human rights. The training focuses in development of competences of peer educators inhuman rights and human rights education for young people. The training course 'HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION THROUGH INNOVATIVE PEER ACTIONS" offers the possibility for colleagues from other countries to participate in intercultural dialogue, receive qualification, share experiences and challenges of developing peer education on human rights issues in formal and non-formal education settings. The project will focus on such issues as: racism, xenophobia, discrimination and gender-based forms of discrimination and shall provide participants with competences in developing actions targeting education of their peers.The project is alsó directed to establish a bridge between countries of South East Europe and theEuropean network of trainers, multipliers and youth organizations active in promoting human rightseducation, the network of Human Rights defenders to enhance cooperation among human rightsNGOs, as well to enable young peers with skills on human rights education. The course will facilitateintercultural dialogue and understanding.
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7 Partners Participants