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How to lead a sport club to a successful future
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The sportGO project will focus on the priority of supporting the implementation of EU policy documents in the field of sport and other relevant policy areas such as recommendations, guidelines, policy strategies, etc. (e.g. EU Physical Activity Guidelines, EU Guidelines on Dual Careers of Athletes, Principles on good governance in sport, etc).Nowadays even amateur and semi-professional sport clubs have to be run like companies, as they have to compete with various competitors on diverse levels such as recruitment of members, volunteers and attracting sponsors.The main difference to companies lies in the key acting staff. While even small companies are mostly led by professional managers with at least some management education, sport clubs are mostly governed by volunteers. These volunteers normally show a high level of dedication and spend a huge fraction of their leisure time for the club, but beside lack of time what is often missing is knowledge and knowhow in management and governance of a sport club. SportGO aims to support these sport clubs by developing a practical training program to enhance the governance skills of semiprofessional and amateur sport club officials.Therefore the sportGO objectives are:-improving available structures and implementation of cost-efficient governance of semi-professional and amateur sport clubs-fostering grassroots sport activities by supporting semi-professional and amateur sport clubs in governance and enabling good conditions for their active members-strengthening the national and regional sports governing bodies by increasing their training offers to their members and their capacity in training representatives of sport clubs-exchanging and transfer of knowledge and knowhow related to governance and management of sport clubs from higher education institutions and training providers to sports clubs and vice versa-on a meta-level developing social capital of youth in “healthy” sport clubs engaged in youth training.

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