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How to Educate pupils with Lower Possibilities:Development of ICT-aided teaching materials and methodology to enhance digital and entrepreneurial competences for pupils in disadvantageous position (10…18 years of age) for use in laptops and iPhones.
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In our world today, success is connected to continuously acquiring new knowledge – to the life-long learning. To be fit for this program (the so-called LLP), people must acquire and develop basic competences. Some of those competences like communication on mother tongue or mathemathics are well known for millenia and have long-established contents and methodologies to teach; while contents and methodology of others are not so obvious. Teaching informatics has become a commonplace, but „digital competence” is more than just informatics; and entrepreneurship have so far been outside of the usual curriculum. Initiative and entrepreneurship are not exact sciences like mathematics or grammar; and only very few schools – if any - deal with teaching of attitudes and not knowledge. Digital competence is not just something to have but also to use – and the minimum requirement is to have a computer. However,computers are not like a pen or pencil; they are expensive–they may even be not affordable for pupils coming from poor families. Phones are more accessible – but so far, phones have rarely been used for teaching. The project addresses the above overall situation. Prelimiraly phase. 1. It collects, comparises, evaluates and summarizes teaching requirements, teaching methodology and teaching experience in digital competence. Project partners strive to develop such teaching materials and methodology that are usable in all countries. Experience of seven partners from five different countries gives good basis for that international approach. 2. To integrate experience of others in the project, a best practice search and overview will be done in the first part of the project. 3. Partners will also collect, locate and evaluate teaching experience related to those parts and points in informatics and digital competence that are the most difficult to comprehend. Those spots will be the focal points in the project. 4. Also in the first part of the joint work, partners will collect, compare and analyse their experience with pupils coming from disadvantageous subcommunities. 1.-4. activities will be done mostly during the warm-up perion of the project, i.e. before the kick-off. The above aspects will be evaluated on the first meeting and will serve the basis for the concrete project work. Similar tasks will be accomplished for the „entrepreneurial competence” too. II. First phase 5. Based on the 1.-4. above, Partners will develop concept and possible contents of teaching materials for digital competence and entrepreneurial competence. In doing so, three classes (units) will be devoted to digital competence and three for entrepreneurial competence. The concept will contain two age groups: 10.-14. and 15.-18. years of age. That is, concepts for 12 classes will be elaborated. 6. Apart from the concepts for the 12 classes, a methodology principle for them will also be considered. 7. A hypotetical class plan (topics vs time devoted) will be compiled for each lesson. Based on the work 5.-7., the basic idea, principle and soultion sceleton will be available. III. Second phase 8. Based on the 5.-7. above, concrete contents, methodologies and class plans will be elaborated for all the 12 lessons. In doing so, concepts and concrete contents will be constantly compared and after successive approximation, they both will be finalized. 9. Contents will contain not only lesson materials but also background, support materials for teachers. It will be especially necessary for the entrepreneurial competence, where several aspects and materials may be new for the teachers. 10. Contents will contain „theoretical” parts to explain to the pupils, practical examples tho analyse to drive the knowledge home, possible homeworks and aspects for individual learning. Control questions will also be included. 11. Having finalized the contents, methodology and class plans will also be finalised. 12. Materials resulting from 8. – 11. will be organised into two textbooks containing materials for 3+3 lessons; one for the age group of 10.-14 and one – for 15-18. IV. Third phase 13. Based on the concrete textbooks resulted from 8.-11., an ICT/laptop version is to be elaborated and developed. 14. Eventual contents, methodology and class plan specifics will be feedbacked to the results of the second phase so that fine tuning will also be made. V. Fourth phase 15. Based on the concrete textbooks resulted from 8.-11., an ICT/iPhone version is elaborated and developed. 16. Contents, methodology and class plan specifics will be feedbacked to the results of the second phase and eventual fine tuning will also be made. There will be control sessions built in between the phases when ready materials are presented to teachers and pupils. Their reaction will be feedbacked into the appropriate work pase so that the elaborated materials meet the expectations of the two „customers”: the teaching staff and pupils.

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6 Partners Participants