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Hospitation im Bereich Erziehung und Beschulung von sehgeschädigten und blinden Kindern mit komplexen Beeinträchtigungen
Start date: Sep 15, 2016, End date: Sep 14, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The "Institut pour Déficienst Visuels" (DV) is a state school and a competence center for children with visual impairment. The IDV hasn't any own classes. All the pupils in elementary an secondary school are supported by itinerant teachers from the IDV.Children with visual impairment having complex educational needs are very often attending specialized schools. These children are also subsidiary supported by an expert-team from the IDV. We are counseling the specialized teachers of these schools in regards to all the special needs referring to the visual impairment.In an earlier Comenius-project (MDVI) we acquired an very high level of competence concerning diagnosis of children with visual impairment having complex educational needs. The IDV-team counseling the specialized schools for children with complex educational needs have different academic trainings complementing one another. During the last years they acquired a lot of skills and experience.Since this way of subsidiary counseling of specialized schools for children with complex educational needs is rather young in Luxembourg and in order to cope with the complexity and to support the teachers in their professional competencies, the teaching and learning methods that are to be counseled have to be linked closely to a transfer of specialist knowledge and implementation strategies with a problem-oriented and practical approach. Therefore we consider that work-shadowing is the best way to do so.Since there are no similar competence centers here in Luxembourg, we have to find those abroad. We have to choose work-shadowing in those competence centers having a long tradition in practicing subsidiary counseling of teachers teaching children with complex educational needs and being blind or visually impaired. There are only a few of them in Europe.4 teachers of the IDV, actually practicing this way of subsidiary counseling, agreed joining the project: 1 psychologist, 1 Physiotherapist and 2 social pedagogues . They all accomplished additional trainings: Low-Vision-Training, training in special education of children having complex educational needs, mobility training...The job-shadowing in different competence centers in Europe should be based on a monitoring form, to be elaborated. Each job-shadowing should be accompanied by a report, analyzing in a structured way practiced activities, procedures, materials ans strategies. An resume of all "Best practice" should be a major outcome of this project. An involvement of the teachers from the different competence centers would be appreciated. Since participant schools are related in their structure, the transfer of acquired competences in the daily school business of the itinerant teachers counseling, should be easily done.We are expecting following outcomes:- improved counseling competence and extended special educational coping skills related to the large variety of special educational needs observed in children with complex educational needs. - improved acceptance by teachers of the counseling process - improved international cooperation with competence centers abroad, having similar structures and procedures of counseling specialized schools for children with complex special educational needs- improved autonomy and comfort of all the children, for whom this project is dedicate to.
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