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Holistic Marketing for Micro-enterprises in the Handicraft Sector

In the European Union, small and medium sized enterprises (SME) employ more than two thirds of the work force, and contribute more than 60 to the gross national product. In arts and handicrafts, micro-enterprises count for more than 90 percent of all enterprises and consitute an important segment of the identity and visibility of the country’s economic identity.However, many micro-enterprises are facing problems how to present and penetrate the market or how to promote the products. Especially in the handicraft sector, owners of micro-enterprises often did not have opportunities to acquire knowledge in the fields of marketing, which would enable them to do better business. Our mission is to empower micro-enterprises in the handicraft sector to remain and strengthen teir function as a lever for social and territorial cohesion, with positive spillover effects on the rest of the economy and on society as a whole.The project concerns a sectoral transfer by modifying a successfully introduced self-learning concept and learning materials that were originally developed for woman farmers into self-learning course materials for micro-enterprises in the handicraft sector. The partnership comprises from three development partners from the development team of the previous project from Slovenia, Austria and the Czech Republic, and in order to guarantee the sustainability of this project,one additional expert partner in each of these countries.The specific objectives were to• develop a structured internet based self learning programme and a toolbox for gaining marketing skills • produce a marketing education module for manufactures of arts and crafts• deliver, in the pilot phase, the tools to manufactures of arts and crafts and give training in their use• re-evaluate the tools and the materials (marketing competences) in the light of the response of the pilot tests and make revisions as necessary• publish the description of the concept, of the programme and of the tools on the multilingual project web site• provide the concept for training seminars in marketing and communication competences for manufactures of arts and crafts• sustain the access to marketing learning materials through the web site, that will remain in place until 2018The results will be introduced into the teaching and counselling activities of the consortium partners in the respective countries and, through the valorisation activities and the activities of the National Strategic Advisory Committees, into a larger number of VET providers in Czech Republic, Austria and Slovenia.The self-learning programme itself covers the field of marketing.
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5 Partners Participants