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Højtbegavede og talentfulde børn i indskoling og på mellemtrin - udfordring og succes.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Interskolen would like to expand their scholastic offerings regarding their gifted and talented students, especially with regard to the younger children. In Denmark, there are only a few offers available for this group of children, and these are solely for the older students (Danish grades 7-9). There are no offers related to the younger children (Danish grades 0.-6). We would therefore, like to have one of our teachers obtain the competence to both undertake the guidance of the gifted and talented students in grade 0-6 and to obtain the skills to guide the staff at the school (both teachers and personnel from the after-school activities (SFO)). This person will also have contact with the parents of the gifted and talented students. It is the school’s ambition that every child – also gifted and talented – is to be challenged to meet their individual potential. To challenge the gifted and talented children academically can be a challenge in itself. This group of children often has difficulties in their social relations as well as fitting into “the normal classroom”. The end result is that these children often don’t fulfil their potential or go as far in the educational system as their abilities allow them to. They often end up being underachievers who often do not reach their full potential. It is important to support and nurture these children from an early age. Recent research shows that they have already, by 4th grade, achieved far below their potential level. Our intent with this project is to get a person within this field to obtain competence, both within the theory of teaching these children, and within the emotional area of dealing with gifted and talented children. We would also like to obtain experience with the practice of teaching these children through visits to schools that have different programs regarding the gifted and talented. On the basis of all the above reasons, we have put together a project that consists of visits to various organizations that: a) work with the daily challenges of teaching this group of children – both as an integrated part of a “normal” class – and as a group consisting of only these type of children. b) work with supporting the well-being of these children and focus on the relationships between the gifted, talented and the average children. Apart from these visits, we have chosen a university-based course that will give our participant a strong theoretical background within this area. A smaller group of staff, both teachers and the personnel of the principal’s office, will, furthermore, be going on a course to work on the school’s strategy and specialization within the gifted and talented children area. On this course there will also be a short introduction on working with this particular group of children. The teacher who will be in charge of the gifted and talented area at Interskolen has been chosen based on professional and personal competence, plus has a profound interest in this area. The participant is a teacher of both Danish and music at the school, and has a line of creative competences in the humanistic field. She has initiated several projects in the past few years concerning the gifted and talented at the school and is in charge of a recently started “mentor-project” between students in different grades. Some of the project’s activities will involve several participants. These will be chosen later based on function within the school, personal competence and an interest within the area. Our goal with this project is to maintain and develop a school, where every student is met on their own level and are given the optimal nurturement and support to fulfil their individual potential. To do this we need new knowledge, new experience and a network with other schools in order to develop programmes and scholastic offerings regarding our gifted and talented students.
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