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HLW Linz-Auhof - Students going Europe for Practical Training
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background of the project: HLW Linz-Auhof is a school providing vocational education and is divided into two kids of schools (vocational school for economic business and professional school for economic business), which offers in addition to general education and economic education, consolidated knowledge in the range of hotel industry and gastronomy. The curriculum of HLW prescribes a 12 weeks lasting internship between the 3rd and the 4th year. This internship should take place in an economic, administrative, touristy or nutritional establishment, whereat the curriculum as well as school recommends passing the internship abroad. The realisation of international projects is encouraged and supported by the headmaster and the parents club, because the knowledge of foreign languages und the linguistic encouragement within the occupational education is very important. Due to the little pocket money pupils receive for their workings and because some are not able to afford passing an internship abroad, school and the parents club as the applicant participate in the mobility project Erasmus+. Objectives of the project, aspired achievements, impacts and expected long-term advantage: • Quantitative and qualitative increase in the number of mobility • Sponsorship of cross-border collaboration with establishments in hotel industry and gastronomy • Increase of sustainability of mobility partnerships • Measures to combat unemployment among young people, strengthening of occupational skills, easement of joining the labour market • Increase of pupil’s own initiative • Increase of motivation among pupils for participation in European educational activities in future • Sponsorship of active participation in social European cooperation • Increase of positive stance on European collaboration and the values in the EU • Increase of the linguistic and professional qualification and competence of the pupils • Increase of the cross-cultural competence of the pupils Description of activity: 17 students are participating in passing an obligatory internship abroad. One pupil of the professional school is doing her internship abroad right after her graduation from school. Number and profile of participants: In summer 2014 17 pupils are going to participate in the mobility of Erasmus+. Linguistic competence of the participants according to European Reference Frame at the beginning of their internship: After finishing the 3rd year of vocational school: English B1, French A2 After finishing the 3rd year of professional school: English B1 All participants are capable of their general and their particular business linguistic and professional competence, which enables them to interact with situations in their establishment correctly. They possess competence like organisational skills, sense of responsibility, flexibility and the ability to work in a team. Between school and the different establishment where the pupils are able to pass their internships, learning agreements will be negotiated. Realisation of the project: • Information about the mobility project within the scope of Erasmus+ for interested pupils and their parents • Conveying of traineeship to pupils and supporting them in finding an appropriate traineeship • Establishing contacts with the different establishments abroad by coordinator Karin Lindner • Usage, validation and approval of the following documents: Europass-CV, Letter of intent, cooperation agreement, learning agreement, internship and labour contract, job diary, evaluation sheet trainee, evaluation sheet establishment, certificate of internship and employment, Europass-mobility record • Evaluation and distribution of the project results and the achieved project objectives Target results, effects and long-term benefit for participants: • Acquirement and development of linguistic, professional, cross-cultural and social competence • High qualification and better career opportunities, international experience • Reduction of the number of dropouts and improved learning achievement • Communicating the importance, necessity and implicitness of lifelong learning and mobility • Conveying of entrepreneurial spirit • Increasing linguistic and professional qualification and competence of the pupils • Strengthening of cross-cultural competence among pupils • Strengthening of motivation among pupils for their future participation in European educational activity • Conveying of an active participation to the social cooperation in Europe Aspired results, effects and long-term benefit for project partners: • Sustainable and long-term cooperation with establishments • Quantitative and qualitative increase of mobility • Increase of the attractiveness of school • Increase of cross-border and international collaboration with establishments
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5 Partners Participants