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HIS-Story: History, ICT and Seniors

HIS-Story stands for the development of 3 key components in a Grundtvig Learning Partnership:-H: History;-I: Information and Communication Technology;-S: Seniors.HIS-Story, based on the concept and methodology of "" and examples of good practices of all partners, explored new ways to collect memories of seniors by the use of videos and ICT. The seniors who participated in the project, both holders of living historical treasures and motivated interviewers, were trained to play an active role in collecting life experiences. The seniors were as adult learner actively involved in all components of the learning partnership. Five meetings took place, each tackling a different topic:1. Italy, Turin, 28.11- 02.12.2012 - “volunteering – activism” 2. Finland, Salo, 20.03-24.03 2013 - “work3. Greece, Athens, 12.06-16.06 2013 - “travel” 4. Belgium, Turnhout, 13.11-17.11 2013 - “Europe” and "family and the seniors" 5. Germany, Munich 14.05-18.05 2014 - “women” Through all these meetings and collaboration, this project succeeded to:-promote active ageing as a key element for a functional society, involving directly seniors in the sharing living history.-familiarize elderly people with new technologies.-emphasize the importance of the personal life experiences of elderly people as a common valuable pillar of European cultural heritage.-contribute to the bridging of the generational gap among seniors and young ICT experts, creating an intergenerational learning environment of adult learners.-facilitate an intercultural learning.-take advantage of the experience of seniors and adult learners who participated in the learning partnership.-promote the sharing of experience and good practices among all the partners, constructing a common knowledge, despite their heterogeneous background and field of expertise.-establish a partnership based on common learning and cooperation on the intergenerational EU dialogue among different countries, on oral history
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5 Partners Participants