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Highway Design and Management: Curricular Reform for Russian Federation - Design and Implementation of Higher Education Master Courses in Russia
Start date: Oct 15, 2011,

To design, develop and implement a new curriculum programme in Highway Design and Management in a joint effort between EU and Russian Universities in line with Bologna requirements. The former will transfer EU best practices, experiences and methodologies according to the Bologna process to support the development and diffusion of an innovative experience in technical higher education in RU institutions supporting the capacity and knowledge building in highway design and management engineering. The realization of a Master programme will follow a scenario assessment taking into account of RU sector needs and requirements, and EU best practices developed. Principal deliverables of the HDMCuRF project will be:- (MNGT) 1 Project Management process;- (MNGT) 2 Project Management meetings;- (DEV) 3 Assessment study on Highway Design and Management curricula requirements;- (DEV) 4 Design and Certification of the new Master programme on HDM;- (DEV) 5 Deployment of an ad hoc Learning/Teaching environment;- (DEV) 6 Implementation of the new educational programme on HDM;- (QPLN) 7 Quality Manual;- (QPLN) 8 Quality Plan;- (QPLN) 9 Quality assurance monitoring;- (DISS) 10 Web site of the project;- (DISS) 11 Dissemination materials;- (DISS) 12 Dissemination events;- (DISS) 13 Final International conference;- (EXP) 14 Sustainability process.
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