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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The 2014-2015 Erasmus + Project implemented by the Lycée Georges Frêche comprises the priorities of our establishment within the framework of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. Our institution's educational objectives rely on three main concepts : supporting, welcoming and leading students thanks to the wide range of curricula provided by the Lycée Georges Frêche. The Erasmus project fits into a process which started in 2012 when the school opened. As a hospitality and tourism-oriented school, the Lycée Georges Frêche had to consider the international orientation as a clincher in the cultural, linguistic and professional learning of students. Our institution's priorities rely on the following lines: - sending and welcoming French and foreign students for internship and study mobilities - partnerships with European universities and lifelong learning centres especially in tourism and hospitality - Involvement of both teaching and administrative staff in the Erasmus + project as an added value for our establishment insofar as they exchange skills and knowledge that are highly appreciated in hospitality and tourism - Implementation of partnerships with institutions working on the development of training for underprivileged people such as disabled people. - Creation of a European network of companies from the hospitality and tourism sectors enabling to develop apprenticeship in Europe. - Development of foreign languages through internships and study mobilities As far as internship mobilities are concerned, we sent 7 students to the following European countries: the United Kingdom (4 students), Italy (1 student), Spain (1 student), Bulgaria (1 student). Sex distribution as follows : 5 women and 2 men. Types of companies students selected: 7 hotels. The length of the internships depends on the requirements of the BTS curricula: 4 months for Hospitality Management, 4 months for Hospitality and Catering, and 2 months for Tourism. This enriching and wide training process in companies definitely embodies the expectations of the curricula. Therefore our school reaches its goals in terms of quality as well as quantity. Teaching and training mobility is also a priority for the Lycée Georges Frêche because teachers are usually project managers inside their school and among the teaching team. In 2015, 10 teachers went on a teaching mission in Europe and 3 on an Erasmus training mobility. These mobilities prove to be very positive since they enable teachers to forge bonds with the business world all over Europe and design European networks for future inter-university partnerships. The objectives and results have been really positive for 2015. The Lycée Georges Frêche also received 3 European teachers this year on a teaching mobility as well as several foreign delegations of teachers working in professional higher education in Hospitality and Tourism : the hospitality school of Toledo in Spain, the hospitality school of Varese in Italy, as well as teachers from various countries: China, Germany or Poland. Our establishment received 11 European Erasmus students during the academic year 2015-16. This European opening within professional higher education such as BTS (BTEC Higher National Diploma) values our HND students especially in learning foreign languages and tourism and hospitality professional subjects. Indeed, having in class European students from similar courses although with their specificities is very enriching for all the students in Tourism or Hospitality Management. Welcoming European Erasmus students also enables our establishement to fit into the European assessment system : the European credits or ECTS. This device has not often been used in BTS (BTEC HND) so far but is very useful to value the training process of each student and to leave all options open for post-BTS (post BTEC HND) studies in France and abroad. Finally, the Lycée Georges Frêche is now heading towards Erasmus strategic partnerships : we are currently working on the preparation of a European project on learning foreign languages in professional higher education with our Spanish partner from the University of Girona. This project should include several countries from Mediterranean and Balkan Europe. We are also thinking about another strategic partnership with an Italian training centre about the development of adapted tourism for people with limited mobility in Europe.
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