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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Implementation of the KA 103 Erasmus+ project mobilities is aimed at encouraging mobility of university students, teachers and employees (activities SMS, SMP, STA, STT) to the program EU countries. University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice (further only USB) during the implementation period of the projet had more than 340 inter-institutional agreements with foreign universities in 27 countries of the program countries. The main objective of the project is to acquire, develop, increase and deepen the theoretical and practical expertise and language knowledge, skills and competencies, but also pedagogical and management skills that are in direct relation with personal and professional development of each person. The target group = students and staff of USB. The result of the project is the motivation for further study and better employability for students, an exchange of expertise and a performance of a practice abroad for teachers and a transmission of information and administrative skills for administrative staff of USB. This fact permanently increases the quality and level of learning and teaching within the European standards and the level of internationalization of the university environment of USB. The project participants are from all eight faculties and the Rectorate - students outgoing to study and internship stays, and teachers, outgoing primarily on teaching assignments and trainings, and administrative staff mainly dealing with foreign relations, science and research and lifelong learning, who depart for training, job-shadowing, etc. mobility. Implementation of the project is performed by the central Department for Foreign Relations of USB - 2 office workers under the leadership of Vice-Rector for Foreign Relations, the faculty Vice-Deans and Coordinators for International Relations. Students participated in study programs at partner universities at least for three months. The average length of the study mobility was 5 months. Study visits were mainly to the following countries: Germany, Spain, Austria. Students went for internships in min. length of 2 months. The average length of the internship: 2 months. Students went for internships mainly to the following countries: Germany, France, Austria. 159 students used the OLS Assessment licences. One student did not complete the assessment, because her traineeship was cancelled and 3 students did not do the OLS assessment because their destination was Slovakia. 158 students did the 1st assessment test and 147 students did the 2nd assessment test after mobility. Not all students did the 2nd assessment because they did not receive the assessment invitation or had other technical problems which were consulted with the OLS HELPDESK. 155 students received the OLS course licence and 117 students used them. Student mobility were funded from EU sources, some in combination with zero-grant. Pure zero-grants were: 20. During the year, the grant for student mobility was increased by the National Agency: 200, - EUR (gluten free diet) - 1st Amendment to the Grant Agreement 12 000, - EUR (requirement of 1st Interim Report) - 2nd Amendment to the Grant Agreement Teachers went for teaching assignments at least for 2 days. The average length of the teaching stay was 4 days. Teachers went mainly to the following countries: Slovakia, Germany and Poland. Teachers and administrative staff went for educational/training mobility at least for 3 days, in average for 5 days. The most common countries of their outgoings were: Poland, Spain and Portugal. Most of employees´ mobility was a combination of EU grant and zero-grant. Pure zero-grant mobility abroad were 19 at teaching stays (STA) and 1 mobility for training (STT). The motivation for mobilities at USB is a promotion and dissemination of the project at faculties and centrally at the Rectorate through information meetings, seminars, leaflets, submission of written and oral information and advice, as well as for students with disabilities or special educational needs. The project also supports the International Students Club, whose members promote the Erasmus+ program to students through various events. Feedback from the implementation of the mobility project is obtained in the form of final reports and oral, event. written information on the faculty and central levels. Evaluation of the project 2015/2016 academic year: 277 was total mobility items; participants expressed satisfaction, we did not experience any negative assessment from the stays. Most students apperciated mainly the opportunity of studying at universities, that provide high quality of studies (Germany, Austria, Norway), which enabled them to gain a different perspective of the education system, ways of students´ work, active participation and evaluation. Mobilities for studies and internships had a positive impact on their personal and professional growth and contributed to their general overview and social responsibility.

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