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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Service(Department) of the International Relations of the IRTS L-R suggests to every new incomer in level training(formation) III building a project of mobility internship(training course) or study. Approximately a third(third party) of the students formulate a project in Europe or on the international stage. This year, on 6 stock exchanges(scholarships) mobilities internship(training course) asked, 2 were granted(tuned) and used by two students left to Madrid and to Liverpool. An educational frame(executive) of our Institute was also incited to realize a mobility education(teaching) and went(surrendered) to Brussels. Besides the activity of education(teaching), this visit allowed to strengthen and to form ties with the teams.

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