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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The internationalization strategy of the National University of Music Bucharest is based on its tradition and prestige – as one of the most representatives higher music education institutions – on its students’ and graduates’ results in facing the real challenges of the labor market and the contemporary artistic realities and – at last, but not at least, on the commitment of its highly qualified academic and non-academic staff. These are the premises for reaching our Erasmus + KA1 Individual mobility project’s goals for the academic year 2015 – 2016. Here are some of its main objectives: - developing and widening the educational offer on the three study levels (Bachelor, Master, Doctoral studies) based on international standards; - defining the scientific research versus the artistic performance by the exchange of good practices within the students/teachers/researchers individual mobility; - developing the tools and the legal procedures for the study recognition and diplomas within an inter-institutional and inter-disciplinary frame; - increasing the number of the beneficiaries of study mobility for placement (SMP), during the study levels and after graduation; - increasing the awareness of modernizing – throughout an international perspective – the teaching/assessment process; The vocational specific of the music education (one-to-one teaching), the importance of the individual practice inside the common schedule planned for the study period, as well as the role of the artistic practice – in creating and developing a professional musician – require a series of particularities in structuring and organizing the mobility: - the double selection of the application folder (both at home and at host institutions) - the subjective dimension of the applicant’s decision in choosing the host institution (in terms of the teachers’ prestige, the university itself, the artistic perspectives and offers, etc.) - the essential role of the ERASMUS + offices in handling the communication between the specialized departments from the partners institutions and the mobility beneficiaries - students/teachers – during the whole process (application assessment, final feedback, negotiation of the Learning Agreement (for the students) in terms of disciplines and ECTS. The ERASMUS + KA1 Mobility for individuals project had as beneficiaries students (all study levels – Bachelor, Master and Doctorate), academic and non-academic staff from the National University of Music Bucharest. Two of its main objectives were the quality improvement of the internationalization strategy within the higher music education field and also the intention of widening the inter-institutional cooperation. The academic year 2015 – 2016 meant not only a substantial increase of the Inter-institutional Agreements, but also a qualitative progress in organizing the individual mobility, by using more specialized tools and methods for study recognition. The inter-institutional partnership focused on higher music education institutions from Programme countries, cultural/research institutions, publishing houses, music libraries, professional ensembles (philharmonics and orchestras). Moreover, National Universiy of Music Bucharest has started to coordinate an ERASMUS + KA2 Strategic Partnership Project, entitled VOXearlyMUS for the period 2015 – 2018. (more about it on )
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