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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Internationalization is a strategic line in our centre (Strategic Plan 2015-2018) Since 2002 we have been developing our own projects in the field of internationalization. One of the strategic objectives is to boost the mobility of students and teachers from our centre. To develop this strategic line we have three strategic objectives: The first strategic objective is to encourage international relations with companies and centres and institutions. The second strategic objective is to promote multilingual training at our centres where training will be deployed for students and teachers in English. The mobility project 2014-1-ES01-KA103-000620 is within this area. The geographical areas in contact with our institution have been following countries: Finland, Italy, Malta and Poland. Always fulfilling the parameters with the requirements established in the ECHE. Our work is to conduct awareness raising and sensitization of students of the need for language training and the importance of going outside and giving them the possibility of doing the Erasmus+ mobility program. The main target groups are : 1.- Students of 2nd year from Upper Vocational Training degree.To make the module corresponding to the workplace training (FCT) abroad 2.- Teachers of various specialities who provide these training cycles. The main objectives: 1. - To offer students the ability to perform the FCT Training at Work (compulsory module and part of the Formative Cycle coursing) in companies or quality European institutions 2. - Provide teachers of the institution the opportunity to receive quality training in European companies, which results in the improvement of higher education in their speciality and in turn offer the possibility of collaborating with other similar European institutions to exchange knowledge and experience. In that way, during the period between 01-06-2014 and 30-05-2016 were developed 11 mobilities within the framework of this project. (7 students and 4 teachers). The specialities of the participants are the following: Administration and Finance ( 1 student) -Administration of computer network systems (2students) Metal Construction (1 student) Maintenance of Heating and Fluid Installations (3 students) The teachers who took part in the project with training actions were the teachers of department of Boiler Making and Direction. Over the 12 weeks that takes the traineeship period, the students have the opportunity of practising the knowledge acquired during their training period in the centre. The companies were selected with following quality criteria so that students can develop the contents previously learned in the sending centre. In all moment the requirements established in the ECHE were fulfilled. For that in the company was an instructor monitoring them and giving guidance and support during their stay at the company. Every week the students sent a report to their tutor at the sending centre with the activities developed during that period through the Moodle platform and were in touch with him permanently and also with the International Projects Coordinator using for that the ICT: Email, videoconference (Skype), messenger (Whatsup, SMS..etc) The assessment of the traineeship period by the students was positive. In the staff mobility section, the participants were selected following some pre-established rules with the priority to provide the opportunity for different teachers and departments to take part in training mobilities. In this occasion were 4 teachers from the Boiler Making department and the Direction (2 teachers) who developed the training action. The assessment of the traineeship period by the teachers was positive. One of the students who participated in the traineeship kept working in a company and also lived in the country (Ireland) The teachers were in touch with the responsible team of the boiler making manufacturing companies in order to keep the collaboration going. The possibility of the interchange of students from different schools as well as the possibility to prepare some additional project. The diffusion of the actions developed during the project has been done using different means: Internet: news related to the mobilities were published on the web page of the centre, in the same way news were published on the social networks: Facebook, Twitter, etc.. Articles related to the mobilities were published in the biannual magazine of the school which was spread throughout the region.
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