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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Carlos Maria Rodriguez de Valcarcel Secondary School initially applied to the Erasmus Charter in 2010, which allowed students of the 2012-2013 school year to be the first group to participate in the program. Through our agreement with the Erasmus Charter spanning from 2014 to 2020, the students of the Higher Level Training Cycles are able to engage in various internships. Within the open and unique European framework, we think that the exchange of students and teachers should be an objective met by all centers of higher education that want to foster and promote a complete education for their students. Language training is a main priority at our school as it allows interaction between professionals and students of different countries involved in the Erasmus Program. For this reason, we want to join this initiative by petitioning the exchange of our students taking the higher level training courses taught in our school. Active collaboration and cooperation among all of the European educational institutions are top priorities and the Erasmus Program affords us a unique opportunity that we would not want to miss. This program not only enables the exchange of students but also serves as a means for European countries and regions to work and collaborate with each other. As a vocational training center, active collaboration with companies has been and remains one of our main objectives. In times of crisis like the present, this multilateral cooperation between educational institutions and businesses must be even more of a target for everyone working towards improving the quality of teaching and obtaining a promising future for our students. The Erasmus Program aims to meet the teaching and learning needs of all participants in the Higher Level Vocational Training Program taught at our school. The specific goals of the program are: • To support the realization of a European Higher Education Area • To reinforce the contribution of Post-Secondary Education and Vocational Training to the innovation process • To increase the number of student exchanges in Europe and improve the quality of the experience • To promote and develop multilateral cooperation between European institutions of Post-Secondary Education • To increase the compatibility of qualifications between the Post-Secondary Education and Vocational Training programs obtained in Europe • To facilitate the development of innovative internships in education and training those in Post-Secondary Education Our school offers audio-visual, transportation, and vehicle maintenance classes. In addition, the English Department is actively involved in the selection process of students and if said students’ level is not high enough, they are provided intensive language courses to improve. We currently carry out an average of two to three exchanges per year, although we aim to improve our plan of action. To do this, we want to gradually increase the number of students with internships, maintain a relationship with those who are already our European partners, and continue the search for partner companies in other countries participating in the program. Through the Erasmus+ KA103 2014 project, we secured two internships for students training for High-Level Technical Degrees in Audiovisual Production. Both students did their internships in companies located in Munich, Germany and one was hired to work full time after the internship had ended. Our cooperation strategy involves establishing agreements with vocational schools that offer educational programs similar to those offered at our school. By doing so, we can encourage the exchange of activities between students, and in the future, the teaching staff. We believe that if we keep working this way, we will strengthen our course of action within the framework of the Erasmus Program.

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