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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ISCTE-IUL has pursued since the creation of the Erasmus programme, and in the fields of education, training, research and knowledge transfer to society, giving a major contribution to addressing the major challenges that Europe is facing. In its acting this institution has as much as possible, helped to overcome the socio-economic crisis affecting European countries, fostering growth and employment, and promoting equality and social inclusion. In this context, the activities and projects have been developed around a very solid higher education internationalization strategy, based on relations with HEI´s, businesses, industry and society in general, at an European level or with third countries. In this case, it enhanced the attractiveness of European higher education whenever possible in order to increase the mobility and the attraction of regular students to obtain a degree in Europe. Participation in this programme contributes significantly to increase the employability of students, recent graduates and researchers, since the mobility experience also endows the skills and training required by the labor market and an increasingly global and competitive economy. Opportunities for teaching and cooperation abroad contributed to the professionalism at an European dimension. The main objectives focused at this stage, concerns to provide and improve the capabilities and skills of our target, as well as their active citizenship, through specific actions of training and non-formal learning, interculturalism and multiculturalism. Still, during the reporting period were encouraged and developed European networks to obtain double and multiple degrees and other opportunities for cooperation between the partners in terms of training, education and research. We believe that the cooperation will strengthen the links between all involved, leveraging more and more opportunities and other forms of relationships with global reach. This investment in internationalization and human capital unequivocally benefits this institution and its community as well as those related to it. There is a growth that ensures the prosperity of the project and social inclusion. We believe that the activities of the first Erasmus+ project went further and were based on the experience gained over more than 25 years, through the promotion of synergies and mutual enrichment between all partners of the Programme and Third Countries in different fields of education, training and research, leading to the creation of actions and innovative projects that attracted new actors of the working world and civil society and encouraged new forms of cooperation. The quantitative objectives were fully achieved and overcome, of the 180 planned mobilities (SMS / SMP) have been complied 236: 57 more mobilities performed! The activities carried out fully complied with the provisions of the Erasmus Charter, the Programme Guide and the Convention. Numerous preparatory activities (linguistic, cultural, social and academic), information, dissemination and explanation, assistance in integration and welcoming, recognition and validation of skills and qualifications, dissemination and exploitation of results, etc., were carried out before, during and after mobility. Always with respect for the principles of equality and inclusion (disadvantaged groups with less opportunities compared to their peer group), transparency and non-discrimination. Note that mobility is asserted by certain quality certification bodies at ISCTE-IUL, national and foreign, as is the case of APCER, the EUA, AACSB, A3ES, etc., which regularly monitor the compliance with the rules and management activities, as stipulated by the abovementioned documentation. The results are known to all ISCTE-IUL community, the promotion of mobility of learners and staff between Programme partners benefit individuals (in their personal, academic and professional growing, in employment opportunities, the validation of skills and qualifications), universities (capacity building projects in higher education) organizations and society, to the extent that the activities have impact and contribute to the growth of the institution, the local economy, at regional, national, European and international level . All this activity promotes cooperation and partnerships with impact on the modernization and internationalization of the partner institutions in a long term of higher education systems in the Partner Countries.
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