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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The internationalization of the Université de Nantes’ academic programs is based on European and international mobility programs, and primarily the Erasmus + program. This aim at facilitating the outgoing mobility while developing, thanks to the incoming mobility, the attractiveness of programs linked to that of the leading laboratories. To this end, the International Relations Office (DRI) supports the implementation of the mobility of students and teaching and administrative staff. In coordination with the network of international relations administrative staff located in the 21 faculties of the Université de Nantes, the International Relations Office (DRI) promotes Erasmus + as a lifelong learning program. During the 2014-2015 academic year, 552 students and staff conducted an Erasmus+ mobility. Specifically, 413 students went to a study period and 107 students were in a traineeship period. Regarding staff mobility, 21 professors and researchers conducted a teaching mobility and 7 administrative staffs of the Université de Nantes went on a training period. The main host countries of student mobility are Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and Belgium. These results are supported by the number of Erasmus exchange agreements concluded with universities of these countries. About the participants’ profiles, women represent 66% of outgoing mobility (365 participants) whereas men represent 34% (187 Erasmus mobilities). The implementation of the Erasmus project is based on the validation of training courses abroad which are recognized within the Université de Nantes programs, and implies a real dynamic of openness and mobility of students and staff. To achieve this objective, the Université de Nantes sets up a language support as well as cultural exchanges between students from Nantes and Erasmus students welcomed in the university. A cultural and a linguistic course for teaching languages less spoken and less taught (Catalan, Finnish, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian and Turkish) is available for free to students who plan an outgoing mobility. This linguistic program is tutored by incoming students and developed for some courses in partnership with European universities (initiation and exchanges by videoconference). It is also opened to administrative and teaching staff in the framework of the staff training plan. Intensive foreign language courses (English, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish) are also available for free before the mobility period. Since 2011, the Université de Nantes proposes to all its outgoing students one day of “preparation to mobility” which is organized in partnership with the student insurances (information on insurance abroad and the European Health Insurance Card - EHIC) and ESN Association (intercultural activities). Joining together incoming students and alumni outgoing students, this initiative allows to the future outgoing students to learn more about their future host university, the financial grants, and all the necessary information about getting ready for a mobility period. Concerning the teaching or staff mobility, the Université de Nantes informs the staff about mobility opportunities by communicating on the intranet space about the Erasmus Staff Weeks. An employee of the International Relations Office (DRI) is dedicated to supporting the university staff who wants to perform an Erasmus+ mobility. The Université de Nantes international strategy is defined and headed by the University Council for International Relations (CURI). This body proposes to the President of the university the strategy in implementing the University International policy. Geographical and thematic committees use to prepare the CURI meetings, and it is in this context that the Erasmus commission gives its opinion about the allocation of grants for staff outgoing mobility. Also, the Erasmus Commission promotes the exchange of information and best practices about the Erasmus + program, both for the key action 1 on mobility in higher education than for other Erasmus key actions. The CURI votes annually the mobility grants regulation, which edicts the Erasmus+ program rules of procedure in the Université de Nantes. The Erasmus + program promotes the internationalization of the Université de Nantes and its programs, through the mobility of our students but also by hosting students in incoming mobility. The attractiveness of the Université de Nantes is also strengthened by incoming and outgoing staff mobility that is more and more known within the institution.
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