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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Erasmus+ enables higher education institutions to receive financial support to promote students, teachers and staff mobility within the European Union, and beyond. The Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Douai (Mines Douai) has provided, for many years with the opportunity for its students to receive either an academic mobility stay in one of its European partner universities or perform an internship in Europe, its teachers to benefit from education in an European context and administrative staff to evolve in a different environment. Also, Mines Douai processed to the Erasmus+ program through the action key 1, the mobility of individuals for purposes of education and training. Generally speaking Mines Douai encourages international mobility and especially in Europe. Thus, students are required since 2011 to achieve a semester abroad to validate their degree, either through academic or industrial mobility (internships). If european internships still counts for 65% of the departures, students are turning increasingly towards an educational immersion experience in partner universities to conduct a study semester. In 2014, there are 44 students mobilities (18 in academic mobility and 26 in internship) and 2 staff mobilities (1 teacher and 1 administrative) framed, validated and recognized by the international relations, education service, research department and human resources department. For the academic mobility, the more representative destinations are the United Kingdom, Germany and Poland. In addition to their main study subjects, students also invest in getting additional language skills especially in English and German. For internships, higher incidence is observed in the United Kingdom and Belgium in small and medium companies and major groups; the reasons are almost identical to those for the academic mobility even if many students are playing the card of the euro-region. Whatever the mobility, participants are developing a new way to work, to study, to understand a new personal and professional environment which is then used in the short, medium and long term whether a linguistic point of view, in learning new ways of working, open-minded and recovery experience. The staff mobility is still less solicitated because it implies another organization : people must be able to be available on a more or less large period and have professional and personal obligations more restrictive but that is part of the future objectives of the international strategy of Mines Douai.
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