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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

L?Escola d?Hoteleria i Turisme de Lleida has a long experience in students mobility programmes organized by the Catalan Government from 1994 and up to nowadays. During this period we have sent more than 500 pupils to seven different countries. The project main goal is to provide the high degree vocational studies students with the chance to accomplish a part of the formative placement in firms situated in other countries from the European Union. By this, we aim to: - Stress the entrepreneurship and innovative capacities. - Promote and increase the consciousness of a European frame as well as ease the diffusion of good professional practices. -Improve the international dimension. - Improve the teaching and learning of foreign languages and the linguistic diversity as well as an intercultural conciousness. - Let our students know other organization and professional techniques. In this project 5 students have taken part in a 2 month placement, each one with the following features: -Two students have been in a hotel resort in Finland. During this period they have been able to know the different kinds of tourist services available at that country, restaurant managing profiles, cooking techniques and, regarding the primary products, different ways to deal with some food and beverages, as well as meeting several new ones. In the social aspect, we have to point out the discovering of a society different to the Spanish one, its traditions and social behavior. Finally, they have improved their communicative skills and their level of English. - Our project in Italy involved students from two different courses: one from the Restaurant and Cuisine Managing High Course, who developed his placement in a small and exclusive business in a city near Torino, in which he had the chance to practice creative cuisine and take an active role in the business organization. On the other hand, two students enrolled in the High Tourist Accommodation Studies Course were on a placement in a Torino hotel, in which they had the chance to get in contact with different departments and observe the hotel organization. In both cases they were able to improve their knowledge of Italian, as well as practicing English. Once they had finished the placement, the students took part in activities thought for spreading the experience and the adquired knowledges. These new knowledges are incorporated to our teaching resources whenever it is possible.
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