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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

PROJECT CONTEXT. The IES Prince Felipe is a center for the north of Madrid , that offers secondary , bachillerato (16-18) and VET (High and medium level). One of the objectives of the center is to give to all its students the opportunity to experience mobility in Europe, looking to promote social cohesion and active citizenship. This project is directed at students and teachers. Through this project, we look to achieve the aims of the center and improve the attractive and quality of VET. OBJETIVES STUDENTS: ? Improve their employment possibilities ? Promote the autonomy of the students. ? Improve the linguistic skills ? Get involved with other ways of work and other cultures. TEACHERS ? Improve the professional skills ? Known other vocational training systems ? Get involved with the Erasmus Project and increase the support to the students mobilities. ? Improve the linguistic skills Improve the satisfaction with the day a day work. PARTICIPANTS Students : We provided 5 VET Superior courses: LIGTING, AUDIOVISUAL PRODUCTION, ELECTROTECHNICAL SYSTEMS, WELLNESS AND CHILDCARE. At VET courses there is a module of Training at Work that takes places on companies at the end of their final course. We propose that their students do their work experience, 12 weeks long, in companies on Europe. Before the students leave, they will receive a linguistic online preparation and cultural in Spain, through moodle classes, meetings with their tutors and a course in CCIS In the 2014 edition 19 students perform a mobility: : 8 students of Childcare, 2 Wellness students, 5 Lighting Students, 2 Audiovisual production students and 2 students of Electrotechnical Systems Total 19 students, that suppose about a 10% of the students matriculates in High level of VET. All of the students have more than 18 years old, most of them are women, all of them have finished successfully the studies at the educational center. In general they have had only a few experiences of autonomy and this project means the first experience outside Spain. They have a lot of expectative to know other countries and they were really interested in learn another language. Most of them wanted to continue their studies at University but they were also opened mind to take a job in other country. Finally 8 of them achieve a offer to work in the company but only 4 accept it. The TEACHER MOBILITY is focused towards Job Shadowing on companies. We propose mobility for 4 teachers. The teachers need to update their teaching methods and to increase their knowledge about their respective professions in Europe. One teacher of lighting traveled to Manchester, one teacher of Childcare traveled to London to visit a Reggio Emilia school, one teacher of Wellnes travel to Mata with an English teacher to visit a Spa. Methodology: Our methodology is based on the work group the ERASMUS + formed by VET tutors, the VET coordinator and the project coordinator. The group has periodic meetings guarantees as much the sustainability of the project and the implication of all the Professional Families: selects the students, supervises the work placements, evaluates and certifies the training period. It promotes the project throughout the entire process. The responsibility of the project belongs to this group EXPECTED RESULTS AND IMPACT We hope that cooperation between all those involved will allow a quality job, that will provide formative and employment opportunities, will contribute to spread our profiles and consolidate VET motilities. - We have carried out the a module of Training at Work, acquiring the necessary learning outcomes to obtain the final Certificated - The participants have improved their linguistic skills - The participants have improved also their professional and personal skills. - Eight students have achieve a employment offer, 4 of them have accepted it, 2 lighting students are now in Rome and 2 Electrotechnical students in Berlin. - We have improve our contacts with companies. We have make 5 new collaboration agreements LONG TERM BENEFITS. - To consolidate the mobility of students and teachers of VET - To integrate as in a network of centers and European companies - To advance in the aim to internationalize the center - To get involved in partnership projects with schools and businesses
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