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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our secondary school has been selected in previous calls of Erasmus programme Due to our institution is comarcal, all of them take part in mobility with successful Our general aims are to increase the innovation of the educational systems and the quality of FP students professional training,improve linguistic abilities, offer the possibility of personal development and giving a European dimension to the learning process of our students. This is a project aimed at the working fields of Administration, Electrics-electronics and Vehicles . We are graced with the collaboration of two international partner, Sistema Turismo, s.r.l.and Fortes SRL from Italy,that so good results has given us during last seven years; who will act as hosting and mediator organizations in the programmed stays We have chosen an italian partners because we think that geographic nearness and cultural, social and linguisitic similarities are the most suitable reasons for achieving the objectives we have set. Our students possess the required qualification according to the Spanish curriculum, and they will do their professional training in companies where their job will be in accordance with the curriculum in the host country. This way their qualifications will be compatible. We want to work together with the companies where our students will be doing their training. First we reach an agreement on the training program and the tasks the students will perform. We are also in contact (via email or phone) throughout the training period so that we can jointly control and coordinate the training. We intend to keep in touch, especially with those companies with which we have worked best so that we can work together again in the future. It is important to give learning a European dimension, and that is why our school has been involved in different European programs. We are trying to give our students the possibility of doing their professional training in the European Union, since this experience will enrich them personally, professionally and culturally. At the same time this program benefits our school by allowing us to be in contact and working together with different European schools before, during and after the training period
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